Buy the right AC for your Decor

Today AC’s have become more of a necessity than a luxury. To have a heavy discount on AC’s the best time is winters, no doubt as the demand for them is lowest in winters.

This piece is a buying guide to help buyers in choosing the best air conditioners.

The demand for AC’s in winters is lowest so many stores lower the prices to encourage the buyers. Today’s AC’s are designed to suitdifferent kinds of decor, climatic conditions and some schedules. Here we tell you about different parts and features but also some of the latest AC’s that are available in the latest AC

Tips that you should keep in mind before going any store:


Bigger, the better? : Ton is the capacity for measuring the cooling capacity of an AC as its cooling capacity tells about its ability extracted at a certain amount of heat that is measured in Btu/hr.

As Btu for an AC is from 5000 to 24000 with 12000 as one Btu is equal to one ton. One thing, a big size is not always better.

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The actual ton means the facts like actual size, climate, the light that enters the room, the floor where room is placed and number of people also how many lights are there in the room.

Split or Windows AC?:

After deciding the capacity, the next important thing is to decide as to buy a window or split AC. Latest windows AC in India is suggested when you do not a fixed place to stay for prolonged time.

While, the split AC is visually pleasing to the eyes and makes less noise than the windows AC. They also give more choice and they make a convenient choice to the buyers.

window AC

Energy star rating:

The Energy Star ratings says an appliance is 10% more energy efficient than minimum standards. If you are looking to invest for an AC make sure to check the star rating from the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).

This helps you to decide which AC helps you to cut down the power consumption by saving energy.

energy star rating

Energy Efficiency Ratio:

An AC’s EER is the ratio of cooling output divided by unit power consumption. The higher EER increases the efficiency of the model.

Anti-microbial filter, needed?

Most AC’s come with reusable electrostatic filters that are treatable. You can ask a retailer to replace it with an untreated electrostatic filter.

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You should always compare the energy consumption and usage cost of a model to another using yellow ‘energy guide’ on a product.

Final Words

In case you want to explore the brands available in the market and want to choose AC that suits your budget. There are wide range of AC’s from known brands like Samsung, LG, Voltas, Bluestar and Daikin.