How to Create Popup window that Automatically opens on Blog launch!

You all must have noticed in some sites that a pop up window opens as soon as you visit that site.
There are already many code available on internet that have already provided the code on how to create Popup window on Blogger so what is the point of repeating the same code…???

create popup window in blogger
So, we have came up with a code that do create a pop up window but pop up window will open Automatically on your Blog launch i.e without clicking !

So ,follow the simple steps that we have listed :

1. Sign in your blogger dashboard.

2. Go to layout available in the left sidebar of your blogger.

3. Click on add a Gadget option.

4. Scroll down and select HTML/JavaScript gadget.


5. Now paste the given below code in the text area provided and click on Save ,Then finally click on Save arrangement..!


<script type=”text/javascript”>
document.body.onclick= function(){‘‘, ‘poppage’, ‘toolbars=0, scrollbars=1, location=0, statusbars=0, menubars=0, resizable=1, width=950, height=650, left = 300, top = 50′);

You have to change the above code little bit,just Replace the Green colored url of my blog with your url!!
You can also change the width and height of your Popup window!