How to get UNLIMITED lives in Candy Crush Saga!

Candy Crush has became very popular now days..!!!

Everyone loves to play this game,however it’s a little hard game and 5 lives we got are not enough.However here is a trick to get unlimited lives in candy crushon your  ios devices (iPad,iPhone), android and kindle tablets..!!UNLIMITED LIVES IN CANDY CRUSH SAGA

The methods explained in below works for ios devices(iPad,iPhone),android and kindle tablets.

So without wasting much of your time lets get started..!

Method 1: Changing Date and Time setting:

  • Play Candy Crush untill you are left with no live. Beleive me !

live full

  • Now go to settings->Date and Time,Uncheck the option Automatic date & time and finally change your phone date and time setting to reflect one day in advance.For Example:if your playtime is August 8th,just change it to August 9th.

date and time

  • Open candy Crush Saga but be careful -Don’t play the game until you’ve performed the next step.

open candy crush

  • Now,change back the advanced date to the correct date.

date and time

  • Now open Candy Crush Saga..OMG you will see that your life meter is full again!

full lives

Method 2: Clear Application Data:

  • Before telling this method you should make sure to have data or a strong Wi-Fi connection and is playing Candy Crush Saga from facebook login.

No lives

  • When you have no lives i.e you are down to zero ,go to application manager->app setting.
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candy crush setting

  • You have to choose Candy Crush Saga in the app setting.

candy crush app setting

  • Now once you have opened Candy Crush Saga in app setting you will see the option “Clear Data”..Just click it.

clear stting

  • Open Candy Crush Saga and you will see that the game has reset ,now to get back you current level Reconnect the app to Facebook..!!!

facebook connect

  • You are Done.!!!

full live

When you start playing, you will see your lives are up to the maximum again. When you need more lives, just do the same steps over and over again.Don’t forget to subscribe for more tricks and tips..!!!