How to Make a Sports Blog and start earning money

The world is rapidly changing and the internet is making a lot of things much easier. One of the areas the internet has revolutionized the world is in the area of careers. The web is a market with millions of opportunities exploited, and many more that are yet untapped. You actually do not have any reason to remain unemployed or underemployed if you have good writing skills and can write very good sports articles. Here I mentioned earlier how to Earn Money from Home by Writing Articles.

There are many mediums through which you can get yourself fully or partly engaged as a sports writer and earn some money for yourself both on and offline. So, if you are from one of those countries where unemployment exists in a very large scale, you can make this your full-time job. Do, and it will pay you as much as other jobs out there. If not, you can also make it a part-time job to supplement whatever you earn from your day to make a sports blog

Below are some of the ways you can get yourself engaged as a sports writer and make a sports blog.

Website Writing Work

The internet is full of opportunities. There are many sports web portals and online publications that employ freelancers that cover sports events for them. There are also many opportunities for online freelance work in many sports news sites out there. All you will need to do is to find a way of getting in touch with them and showcasing your skills. Most of them hire through the popular freelance sites like and But, you can also contact them directly. There is also an opportunity for you to be your own boss. You can just make a sports blog and grab the opportunity. When you do this, populate it with good sports articles for some time and apply for a Google AdSense account. When Google sees that you are offering value, they will give you an AdSense account, place their ads on your website and pay you every month for that. You earn according to the level of traffic on your website.

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Freelance Magazine Work

You also have the chance to work in any of the sports magazines around you. Most of them are regional publications.  There are very popular ones like in different countries and regions. But within your locality, you can find ones that are focused on particular sports activities. If you can apply and convince them with a sample that you are good and can bring value to their magazine through well-written sports articles, they will employ you. And you don’t have to make a sports blog and start everything from the scratch.

Newspaper Stringing 

Another chance to work as a sports writer in the local newspaper is by functioning as a Stringer to recognized editors and writers. If you don’t have the experience to convince them to hire you, you can find one of their writers or editors and work under them. These editors will pay you to provide certain stories or cover some sports events around your area. It could be a college game or prep. If you prove to be good and highly responsible, they may retain your services for a very long time. They may demand a particular number of sports stories from you every week, with a particular amount of pay for you. All you need to do is to get their details and contact them. When you do, inform them of your intentions and what you can bring to the table, detailing your experience, your availability, contact details, with a sample of your work.

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Newspaper Staff Writer

One of the biggest ways to earn money through sports writing is by securing a job as a Newspaper Staff Writer. Almost all the newspapers have sports sections, so they employ sports writers to cover the local sports stories. These are in charge of covering and writing about professional, college, and preparatory athletics stories. They also write about activities of the sports ministries, opinion columns and some other stories of human interest. If you wish to apply for this type of job, you have to bear in mind that a college degree, mostly in writing and journalism will be a boost. This may not be a must. Sports writing experience will also be demanded from you. If you have not gotten an experience as a college newspaper staff or from any other place, you can start as an intern. There are many seasonal internship opportunities in many newspapers and magazines. When you garner this experience, write the newspaper you want to work with, attaching your resume, cover letter, samples of your writing, and proof of experience. If you land this job, you could be earning as much as $20,000 per year. The experienced earns up to $75,000 per year.

The Fun Part of the Sportsbook Business

As soon as the new operators will have mastered a plan on how to create a legal online betting site, the time to actually build it will come. The first step is contacting a casino. Each major online Casino operator offers different products and payouts, depending on the plug-ins and scripts used to get in touch with the daily visitors, when they want to bet. Choosing a RELIABLE web host and using appropriate themes and capable developers to build a custom one would be highly recommended. This can also constitute a major downside, even though creating a stable website has become more and more easy over the last couple of years. One literarily does not need to know anything about programming, since it will suffice to have a clear idea in mind about what they want to be displayed on each page.

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How to Write Good Sports Articles

To write sports articles that will get the attention of any experienced journalist and make a good read anywhere, start by reading other writers to learn how they do it. When writing, do not well on sports terms alone. Mix it with things that interest people, to avoid making it boring. Also, capitalize on the emotions of the readers. Delve into the things that people love to hear and things they hold dear. Don’t make it complicated, simplicity is the key. Make your work very objective, have the audience in mind, and focus on current stories.

if you know how to make a sports blog and how to start earning then do share your idea with us by commenting below.