5 Information Security Tools list to ensure your Customer’s Data Security

Data security is a vital aspect every business should be aware off. Especially in the case if you handle large amounts of customer data, you must make sure you can protect it against security breaches. Nowadays malware and spyware attack risks are increasingly higher. You must be certain customers’ data is safe at any time. For this, you will need to implement strict security standards and reliable information security tools list.

data security and information security tools list

Here are 5 suggestions that might help you. These tools guarantee high data security efficiency relating to several basic aspects:

  • Data auditing

Proper data auditing must be performed to spot any malicious intrusion or information theft. Manual verification is no longer a valid solution. You need to automatize this process using a dedicated tool.

  • Compliance standards

These refer to the strict norms that regulate your data management processes. Every business must apply a set of compliance standards which should be quite strict for those who store sensitive customer information.

  • Monitoring

All your business activity should be monitored in order to prevent information leaks and spot inaccuracies. Especially if your staff manages a large client database, you need information security tools list to ensure there are no security breaches.

1. Imperva Secure Sphere


Imperva’s Secure sphere is an optimal solution to protect the sensitive data of your customers. This product ensures on-premises or cloud computing, covering all the main security needs for businesses of all sizes. SecureSphere will aloe you to safely perform all your daily business processes with no interruptions. All the security and compliance requirements of your company will automatically be handled while you can run your business smoothly.

Imperva’sSecuresphere covers all these three data security necessities. This system’s design includes multiple features that help protect your client’s information.

  • Secure sphere detects any threat. All your processes and user performance are carefully analyzed. You will be notified if there is any suspicious or unjustified query. You are also able to block any dangerous attempt automatically.
  • Continuous monitorization: This tool ensures permanent monitoring and registration. All the business processes that imply customer data will be safely stored so you can also perform checks at a later time.

This tool secures your SharePoint. With Securesphere you can keep all your files safe. The information your share on your company’s Sharepoint is also secured and permanently monitored. All the users who will access this data will be tracked.File encryption to protect your data is necessary, but not sufficient, with Securesphere you can safely store your data anywhere and reduce vulnerability risks.

  • Application security: the applications you use in your daily activity are also subject to hacker attacks. Securesphere enables you to secure your business software as well as the transactions they perform. This feature is highly recommendable especially for companies which manage financial customer data. Another useful tip for these businesses is to get real-time access to these financial details at any moment. An efficient solution is to get a Scottrade account. There’s also a Scottrade login guide to help you access your data quickly.
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2. FortiDB


FortiDB focuses on database and software security. This tool offers complete solutions for businesses who store large amounts of information on their network. Forti DB is designed to ensure centralized management and continuous supervision. You don’t need to be an IT expert to understand how FortiDB works. The tool is easy to configure and comes along with multiple standard policies. You can opt for customized reports. There is also a demo version that shows you how this tool works and how to do a quick security assessment of your business. Here are some of the capabilities that can leverage your performance:

  • Blocking any security threats: this tool will track all the activity on your network. You will be able to see the exact time each user logged in, what transactions they performed and whether they put your business at any risk. Any unauthorized attempt to manage sensitive customer data will be automatically blocked.
  • Database monitoring: all the operations performed in your database can be strictly supervised. The tool performs all the necessary audits on your behalf. It guarantees standard security requirements compliance. All security breaches are detected, and an alert is automatically sent. You will also be able to keep a thorough record of all the changes performed in your database.

Standard and customs policies: FortiDB offers a series of policies that guarantee your legal compliance. The privacy policy will help you safeguard your customer information, but there are plenty other requirements you must meet.  FortiDB provides you the possibility to customize policies according to your industry’s specificities.

3. FireLayers


FireLayersis designed by a team of specialists who have focused on application security. Frequent attacks are due to malicious apps. Your employees might not even be aware of the risks, but installing a suspicious app can lead to devastating effects on your business. The applications your employees use on any working device can be carefully monitored with FireLayers. This tool aims to help you use cloud apps safely. It works according to strict policies that guarantee high compliance levels.

  • Verify cloud application installation and usage. With FireLayers, you can detect any apps installed on your work devices. You can see which user is responsible for download and installation and monitor log-in. This tool will also help you retrieve important data successfully.
  • Auditing. FireLayersis provided with a central dashboard which can easily be accessed by executives. Here you can perform regular audits, grant or deny access to customer sensitive data.
  • Meet compliance standards. You can access and update any and policies from your FireLayers This tool enables you to change approval flows for your business processes immediately.
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4. McAfee


This is one of the most popular solutions adopted by companies of all sizes. McAffe tools are easy to access, and there are plenty resources and guidelines to ease configuration and installation processes. And one of the best among the information security tools list.

Let’s have a quick overview of two essential products that can strengthen your data security.

  • McAfee Database Activity Monitoring

This tool will enable you with complete visibility into all the transactions performed in your database. It is designed to block unauthorized access and detect any malicious attempts. The sessions that are not compliant with the company’s policies will be terminated. Here are some basic features that account for this tool’s effectiveness:

  • monitor any transaction and register them for audit purposes
  • customize the company’s security policy for customer’s needs and governmental provisions
  • detect suspicious users and restrict their access to your customer database
  • early attack detection and immediate prevention
  • compatibility with other McAfee products
  • constant supervises and analyzes any possible malware sources
  • enhanced visibility to your database operations
  • monitorization of users who benefit from unrestricted or privileged access.
  • McAfee Vulnerability Manager for Databases:

This product helps you assess your database’s vulnerability degree. This will enable you to identify the weak points of your security system. A good example is setting weak passwords. You probably use passwords to protect your sensitive folders, but your device itself is a very vulnerable source that stores all your customer’s critical information. McAfee Vulnerability Manager will spot all your database’s weaknesses. This product’s capabilities can help you enhance your businesses’ security through:

  • enhanced visibility into your database
  • maximized compliance with internal and legal requirements
  • reports customization for multiple roles
  • ease of use
  • immediate localization of any sensitive information source
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5. Keyless SSL by CloudFlare


This is a new security tool designed by a team of specialists. Keyless SSLCloudFlare’s SSL usage and maintains the on-premise custody on their keys. With this tool, you can protect your websites hosted by this provider. This is an effective tool against DDoS (distributed denial-of-service).

Let’s start by understanding the meaning of SSL keys. These are data that allow companies to set a secured connection between them and their clients. This info also helps your company establish its identity. Private SSL keys will help you monitor traffic. SLS keys are vital for a company’s security and tools like Keyless SSL grant you additional options to manage and protect your private keys.

The company can also provide an alternative solution for businesses who are not willing to share their SSL encryption keys. These companies’ data can pass through the CloudFlare network while performing the SSL verifications on their private keys. Here are some traits you should consider:

  • This is a user-friendly tool that functions on your enterprise software behind your firewall. It is available for multiple operating systems, Linux and Unix included
  • Keyless SSL by CloudFlare can be used with various key management infrastructure typologies. You can operate with a series of solutions provided by different vendors,
  • Keyless SSLwas built according to standard SSL algorithms.
  • The tool was specially crafted to ensure confidentiality and authentication when you send and receive data on the internet
  • Protects sensitive client data while it is moved or stored

These are five recommendations you could easily access and use for your enterprise. You will be able to find multiple references and online reviews related to these products. It is important to make a documented choice before you purchase security tool for your business. Don’t forget that your customer’s data security is one of your top priorities.

6. Free Network Security Scanner – Hacker Combat

A network security scanner, which is one of the most notable among security software, scans networks and their nodes to look for security vulnerabilities and loopholes. Also known as a network vulnerability scanner is an automated solution that would scan, assess and evaluate the security posture and strength of a network.

If you got your own data security or information security tools list then do share with us. You can comment below and let other’s know.