Introduced in 2017, Flutter is an open-source SDK by Google that allows businesses to develop cost-platform apps faster without breaking the bank. Even though Flutter is comparatively new, it is the fastest-growing mobile-app development tool, as per a recent report and there are so many benefits of Flutter not to forget.
Being a newbie in the app development world, Flutter has gained ample popularity amongst business owners as it delivers robust, feature-packed and well-structured apps for businesses. If you are a new business starting from scratch or an established enterprise planning to build a cross-platform app in less time and well within budget, then Flutter is your best bet.

Here are top 10 benefits of Flutter that you can’t overlook
- Backed By Google
It is crucial for any new technology to have a credibility factor for users to take it seriously. Well, Flutter is a UI SDK that has Google’s backing. It promises to offer users a great mobile app experience and it can be used for creating mobile, web and desktop solutions using a single codebase. Also, since its launch the Flutter developer community is continuously growing with the increase in the number of programmers learning the language. Today, ample resources are readily available for learning that have been compiled either through documentation or simple exchange of ideas and thoughts. The StackOverflow survey of 2019 ranks Flutters higher at 75.4% when compared to React Native at 62.5% as the most loved and preferred frameworks. Today, Flutter is embraced by programmers and businesses alike and it has a lot to do with Google backing.

- Fast Learning Curve
Flutter’s easy-to-follow documentation and a large pool of free resources such as videos, podcasts, articles for learning that are provided by the developers help users stay updated about the latest trends. The development team has put in a lot of effort to make learning easy for users. For example if during operation the learner makes an error, the message that pops up contains all the information related to what the issue is and how it can be fixed. Also, Dart has been designed keeping Flutter in mind and it has been equipped for UI optimization. It has a simple structure, which makes it a powerful tool to build app architecture. Since Dart syntax is not much different from C# and TypeScript, there is no need for developers to learn something they are not familiar with. They can polish their existing knowledge by attaining expertise in Dart.

- Clean & Elaborate UI
One of the major benefits of Flutter is the common UI pattern that’s drawn out to reusable widgets. It obliterates the need to separately set UI elements like styling, colors, etc. Flutter opens up a world of possibilities for developers from combining different widgets to producing elaborate UIs that look the same across operating systems. Also, Flutter is equipped with a comprehensive library of useful animations that are easy to apply with animation support offered by Flutter. The developed app looks flawless and there is always an option to customize.

- Faster Development
Looking for quick app development? With Flutter’s hot reload feature development is no longer a time taking process. Apply all the changes at once without losing out on the existing app state. With Flutter, fix bugs, add new features, create UI without compromising on development speed and minimize the quality assessment efforts. Get great results with less effort and faster time-to-market using a single codebase for both Android and iOS.

- Native Like Performance
Because apps powered by Flutter are written using Dart, they don’t need a slow JavaScript bridge and they also start up much more quickly. This helps in faster compilation and release of an app than it would be possible with React Native.

- Ideal for MVPs
Minimal Viable Product(MVP) is a great and efficient approach to validate your business idea. It plays a major role in averting failures on the basis of insights on customer needs and user feedback. Due to its flexible UI, swift development, and simple integration, Flutter is the ideal choice for developing MVPs. Today, it is being widely used for developing platform-independent apps compatible with mobile, web, and desktop. Now, businesses can gain a competitive edge by releasing apps in less time and cost with minimal features that run on multiple platforms. Also, it is easy to schedule and fix already released Flutter apps across diverse platforms in just one go. All these factors make Flutter favorable for creating mobile MVPs.

- Hot Reloading
Well, hot reload is a feature that promotes collaboration between a designer and developer. For instance, a developer proposes few changes in user interface, and when the designer works on these changes, they both can see the results in real-time. The hot reload feature on Flutter saves a lot of deployment time. All the changes can be made in an instant without compromising on the existing elements of the app.

- High Responsiveness
Flutter powered apps run flawlessly across platforms without having to make any change in the Dart code or the look and feel. Today, Flutter app development has already conquered the mobile space and offers vast scope for web and desktop as well.

- Reduce Time To Market
In today’s dynamic tech environment, when everything is continuously evolving, there are new opportunities every day. Therefore, it is imperative for businesses to stay updated as per the current trend. When you leverage Flutter you have access to a wide range of libraries and tools that are pre-designed and also the one code approach that significantly reduces the development time. Also, the risk of potential bugs is eliminated as these can be fixed right away.

- Android Studio and VS Code Support
Flutter is available on multiple IDEs. The two primary code editors used for developing with Flutter are Android Studio and VS Code. Android Studio has everything integrated by default. You just need to download Flutter and Dart plugin, to begin with the development. VS Code is lightweight and everything in it is configurable with the help of plugins available in the marketplace.

Google’s Flutter is definitely a game-changer in the development ecosystem. The possibilities are vast for businesses that function across platforms especially due to Flutter’s one codebase, quick turnaround and faster time to market. These 10 promising features make it one of the best mobile app development tools available today. Although there are other benefits of Flutter but these benefits can’t be overlooked. It is the perfect choice for your business if you wish to reach out to customers both on Android and iOS. Also, if you are a business with budget constraints, you can definitely leverage Flutter to thrive, conquer and stay ahead of the curve.