Top 3 Free OCR Tools for Image to Text Conversion in 2020

Do you want to convert a hard copy into a virtual document? If yes, then OCR, Optical Character Recognition, technology is what you need. This technology has become a need for people in today’s era, especially since there are many benefits attached to the use of OCR.

What is OCR, and how does it help?

Optical Character Recognition is a technology used for digital replication. It can simply read the fonts or recognize lines from scanned documents or digitally captured photos. The aim at which these scanners and image capturing devices were introduced was to turn hard copies into virtual reports that can be stored electronically. The benefits of introducing this are as follows:

  • Easily accessible and retrievable data: Information or documents stored in a computer can be easily shared, accessed, or retrieved via network or internet by anyone having proper credentials. There is no need to visit the archive rooms to search through bundles for the specific document.
  • More space: A stack of papers takes up a lot of space, and this is the reason why companies need more and more record rooms to store their hard files. However, the same number of documents can fit digitally into a hard drive and still leave you with plenty of space. Moreover, you can carry the documents easily on a USB. Think about carrying bundles of files in contrast to a tiny shaped USB. Life has improved, isn’t it?
  • Better management: Managing electronic folders and digital files are more convenient than dealing with paper.
  • Improved Security: Documents saved in a computer or multiple devices are comparatively more secure from natural disasters than hard files are.
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With the introduction of scanners and a shift towards paperless office has allowed many companies to cut down on operating costs arising from hard papers and its physical storage. A technology that has been able to convert these scanned or image-based documents in the readable text is now readily available in the form of an image to text converters. This is where OCR has stepped further ahead and completely changed the way we deal with documents.

Advantages of the image to text converting tools?

If you want to convert a scanned file or an image to an editable digital format, then you should use the image to text converters online. This provides a fast alternative to typing the text manually. The tool is specifically designed to save both time and effort that may arise in the development of the replica document.

These images to text converters are integrated with OCR technology that allows you to convert documents into various formats such as Microsoft Word, Text, and Excel. When the tool converts your image or file, the output is editable and lets you modify the content as you see fit, these tools have become an indispensable part of most of the organizations that heavily rely on scanning documents such as legal contracts, employee data, financial information, and a lot more. These tools have completely eradicated the roles of typists at most organizations.

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The image to text converts has drastically improved and adopted the paperless concept. Document workflows are now less time consuming and have improved productivity and reduced operating costs for many companies.

Top image to word converters in 2020

As technology is advancing rapidly, we are given the opportunity to choose from more and more available options on the internet. Many companies have come forth with their free image to text conversion tools, but we cannot rely on each one of them. I have compiled one of the top names in the market that offers quality services and will not charge you a penny.


This is a popular image to text converter that efficiently recognizes characters and text from PDFs and images. This is a free tool; however, it offers limited conversions. You can convert more than 15 images into an editable text format per hour using this tool. Since the website offers 46 languages, the machine can convert the document of any language. The available formats of conversions are Word Document, Excel, RTF, and Text file.

Search Engine Reports offers high accuracy and can convert volumes of scanned data or images in a few minutes. There is no limit to the number of conversions as the tool is completely free of cost. Most images to text converters create editable files that often contain mistakes as the OCR technology of the tool is not advanced enough. However, search engine reports make no mistakes and produce the exact same output. This tool is highly recommended to those with high volumes of data.

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Search Engine Reports is a popular SEO tool and respects its user’s privacy. Hence you can convert even the most confidential PDF or image with this tool.


NanoNets is a web-based online image to text converter that lets you digitize images and PDF using OCR. You can convert more than 100 scanned documents using this tool in various formats. The tool is embedded with advanced technology that extracts even the tiny texts from the images.

Wrapping Up

The market is flooded with both free and paid images to text converters that can extract texts from images and save you a lot of time and effort. However, it is important that an efficient tool not only converts text but also maintains the layout, lines, columns, and format of the document.