How To Come Up With A Domain Name That Gets Traffic

There are several business owners out there who consider domain name as just an address to their website and can’t come up with How To Come Up With A Domain Name. I know you are not one of them and this is why you are here. Apparently, there are a few factors you need to seriously consider when brainstorming ideas for an effective domain name. Below, I have shared top 7 strategies for choosing an effective domain name.

I am sure, you will nail one that will turn out smart and unique for your brand by simply following these strategies below.

Lets found out How To Come Up With A Domain Name:

  1.    Brandable And Pronounceable

The first thing to keep in mind when choosing a domain name is, whether it actually sounds like a brand or not. This factor is very important because the name of your domain will be the face of your company in disguise of a URL.

Simplicity, Novelty, and Memorability are the characteristics you must look for in your domain name. So, how will you find the trio in your domain name? It is very simple, the basic thing you need to do is avoid inserting numbers, hyphens or anything else that will make your domain name sound unnatural and troubled. For example, – as simple as that!

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The next comes pronounceability if you are thinking users are not likely to pronounce your domain name loudly, still it is necessary that your domain name is pronounceable. Why?

Because human brains are comfortable in processing information that is easy to pronounce and read. If you follow this strategy, it will be highly likely that the visitors to your website will remember it’s URL. Moreover, they inspire positive associations by sharing it.

Probably, you don’t want to lose all of the potential traffic just because of the reason that your visitors misspell your domain name. Just keep it simple!

  1.    Short But Not Too Short

Just simply compare, “” with “” probably, like me, you do feel the difficulty to pronounce and remember the latter even though it has fewer characters.

Someone said it true, “Anything beyond the limit is not good” Having a short domain name can be simple and memorable but if you go too short, you will face the reverse effects.

There are many, who in pursuit of ephemerality considers using an acronym for the name of their domain. But the truth is, the use of the acronym is only wise if your brand name is often referred by its initials. Just for an example, the World Wildlife Fund’s website is available at, which is perfect for them as they are widely known as “WWF”.

  1.    Look For .com

Although new extensions like “.me” or “.pro” may give you the vibe of hip and catchiness, still 3/4 of all sites in Google uses “.com” extension. “.com” extension is one of the oldest extension, it is easy to remember as it is widely used.

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At a point, you might not be able to get the “.com” extension. So, you need to go for other popular extensions like “.net” or “.org” After some time, you can try again to acquire the “.com” extension when it is up for grab.

  1.    Stay Away From Trademark Infringement

If you do not wish to have any lawsuits on your hands, then it is wise to check any violation of any US trademarks before you register your domain name. By chance, if your domain name compromises a trademark, you could be sued or end up to let go of your domain.

Always try to keep your domain name distinctive so that it doesn’t get mingled with other brand names.

  1.    Intuitive At Instant

“” gives an instant intuition that the site is all about pasta. Similarly, your ideal domain name must give the visitors a perfect guess of your business.

Moreover, a perfect guess will help to stick the concept of your business in their mind as it was not that hard to discover.

  1.    Keywords Need To Be Used Sensibly

If you are still following the old school rule of having an exact match keyword domain in order to increase the rank of your website in Google, then forget it. Because Google got smarter, now it is able to catch this spammy tactic. So, the exact match keyword domain isn’t a ranking factor anymore. In addition to that, there are many users who have developed an impression that such sites are either spammy or low-quality.

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My piece of advice to you would be, not to use any generic keywords and phrases. Because they are difficult to remember and won’t carry much of the SEO benefits as they are expected to do.

  1.    Affix Or Modify If Necessary

If you are done trying all the strategies above, but still stuck with a domain name that is not available yet, you can either affix or modify it a bit in order to make it unique for registration.

How will you make it unique? Well, either you can add a prefix or suffix or you can opt for a different extension as discussed in strategy number 3.

I hope these 7 strategies must have helped you How To Come Up With A Domain Name and have proved their usefulness in choosing the most effective and smart domain name for your business.