How To Get Better at Overwatch And Become a Pro

Overwatch happens to be one of the most popular first person shooting games out in the market right now.

As a matter of fact, Overwatch managed to break some of the biggest records in the history of gaming. There are 40 million active Overwatch players, and the number just keeps increasing.

Needless to say, the game did not take a lot of time to become a pop-culture phenomenon.

This gave rise to people who are looking for ways to actually improve just how the game is played. There are so many people looking at how to get better at Overwatch. Here is also a very useful YouTube video by Nateson that will help you to get better at Overwatch and became a pro: 

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However if you don’t have time to go through the video than go on read this article and it will definitely help you. When I first started playing Overwatch, I went through the same because leaving Division behind, and playing Overwatch was a completely different experience. But the good thing is that it did not take me a long time ago because I had been playing first person games all my life, so the learning curve was not as steep for me.

However, not all people are experienced when it comes to FPS games. That’s why here we are going to discuss how beginners can get started in Overwatch. Before we begin, just make sure that your peripherals are not causing any hindrance.

For that, just invest in a good mouse, (you can get a mechanical keyboard too, but that’s optional), and you would be good to go. In case you don’t know which mouse to buy, this guide will help you choose one.

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Let us know How To Get Better at Overwatch

  • Know The Game

Overwatch is a first person shooter, and there is a surplus of first person shooters available in the market, but this game is not like Call of Duty, Battlefield, or even Counter Strike. The biggest emphasis in this game is the team play.

In order to play efficiently, and properly, you have to play with your team. You are not going to win by killing all the enemies, and you will not be given any personal glory. If you just want to get most amount of kills, then Overwatch is not for you.

This game requires a very strict team play, and playing the game like that will make your experience much better, and a lot easier as well.

  • Understand The Heroes

As you may already know, Overwatch is based around heroes that you choose during the game, and it is really, really important for you to choose the right heroes. Because if you do not do that, you will not know how to play the game properly.

The best thing you should do in this process is making sure that you know the strengths of every hero, and learn to master at least 1 hero from every class.

Each hero is drastically different from the other hero, and there can be situations in which you might have to choose a hero that is not according to your play style because the team already has enough of that hero.

  • Learn And Understand The Map

The good thing is that Overwatch is not a game that has huge maps like some of the other first person shooting games available in the market.

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Here, maps are relatively smaller but they still offer alternative routes, and in addition to that, these routes often have health packs that can be good for instant healing.

In addition to health packs, the alternative routes can also provide a great way of escaping the battle when things are getting hot, and you need a safe escape along with your teammates.

  • Watch And Learn

Okay, this might be surprising for a lot of gamer but you need to understand that observational learning is a very common type of psychological learning.

As the name suggests, in this type of learning, you observe and learn, and while it may sound gimmicky, the truth is that it actually works, and works well.

To properly learn how to play Overwatch, and get better at it at the same time, I would suggest that you start watching some of the streamers who have been playing Overwatch professionally for some time. Observe how they play the game, and do things that you do not do.

I know it sounds like a tedious work, and many people get bored quite easily. However, you are doing it in order to know how the professional gamers play the game, and learn something from their playing method.

  • Practice, Practice, and Practice!

I do not think this should come as a surprise, but in order to get better at any game, the most important thing you have to do is a lot of practice, to learn the ups and downs of a game.

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Just take a look at PUBG, I have spent more than 600 hours in the game, and I am still practicing in order to get better. So, yes, practice is important when it comes to games like Overwatch.

All the tips that I mentioned above are also important, and you must implement them while practicing in the game.

I know it might not sound effective at first, but do keep in mind that it can take a long time to get better at a game, but if you are constantly learning and implementing what you learn, you will definitely get better over time.

Just know that you should not be afraid of losing. That’s because if you take a loss that seriously, you will never be able to give yourself the chance to actually get better at the game.


Overwatch is perhaps one of the most rewarding games out there when it comes to the first person genre, but the biggest difference between Overwatch and other shooter games is that there is no glory hunting in Overwatch.

A single powerful player can never win the match if he or she does not cooperate with the team.

That is why the skill requirement of Overwatch is a lot different from other first person shooters in the market.

In addition to that, another important thing that you must keep in mind about Overwatch is that if you really want to get better at it, then you have to keep practicing, and follow the tips that I have suggested above.

The process is going to be slow, but if you are consistent enough, you will surely get better in the game over time, and you will not have any issue whatsoever either.

If you think there should be more tips then feel free to let us know.