How to Increase your Organic search traffic with HitTail (Review)

If you are a blogger than you must be aware of the importance of search engine marketing. Whatever may be your niche Getting organic traffic “The Right Way”is very difficult nowadays for every webmaster especially after Google Panda and Penguin update, competition is everywhere and surviving this competition is a very big challenge! You should have heard or read that content is the King, that is if you write unique and interesting articles than your blog will for sure get popularity. But what if you do write unique and interesting content but still don’t get enough exposure or doesn’t get better in Google. Well if you are facing this type a problem than than let me tell you a secret – “Ofcourse content is the king but keywords is the Queen” Choosing and putting right keyword in your article will definitely solve your problem which is again a big task…! Well you Don have to worry now as HitTail will do everything for you. Hitatil is the best Long tail Keyword tool available in the market. Hitatil will not help you to choose keyword but also help you to drive more organic traffic to your site…which will ultimately help you to rank higher in Google. hittail review

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You can either use 1990’s method to search keywords by Googling in search bar or keyword discovery or you can opt for HitTail that will help you find the long keywords.

What is HitTail?

Lets keep it simple “HitTail will help you find long keywords based on your website existing traffic”.Let me throw some light on keywords-What ate they and why they are so important.. Long keywords are keywords that most of the people uses to search and reach your website. So, in a nutshell HitTAil is a SEO tool for all website owners and bloggers that helps to solve the most common problem faced by webmasters.

  1. Hitatil is a solution to most common question “what should i write about” by presenting you with highly targeted keywords.
  2. HitTail will help you to rank well in search engine by telling you the most of keywords that drives traffic to your site.
  3. All you have to do is sit back and relax as HitTail does all the above with almost no work on your part.

Hittail idea

How does HitTail works?

HitTail will tell you the keyword which don’t have competition and could make your blog rank better by simply publishing post with those keywords. HitTail will sync up with your webmaster account and will import all your keyword from there. It will then use its algorithm to find the moat juicy long tail searches with minimum or very low competition.

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If you are using WordPress like me than all you have to do is simply install WordPress plugin.And you will be asked to enter your tracking code (installing wp plugin is optional). But if you have different platform than you have to implement short code in your website. Basically you have to setup webmaster in order to help HitTail to start tracking your website traffiic and will return highly targeted long tail keyword if it doesn’t show than there is no problem just sit back and relax.. hittail vs analytics

What about Pricing?

It comes with affordable descent price. The price of this SEO tool is not so high keeping in mind the features HitTail is providing.

  • If your monthly traffic is higher than 4,000 but within 10,000 then you can opt for : Pro Plan: $19.95/month This plan also have some extra feature like excel file data and paid traffic filter.
  • If you are a beginner and have a domain with upto 4,000 unique visitors. Than you can opt for: Personal Plan: $9.95/month That means this plan will give you keywords suggestion based on first 4,000 unique visitors per month.However you wont be able to export keyword data to excel file or filter b/w paid or organic searches.
  • Next plan have exactly same feature of pro-plan but with upto 30,000 unique visitors: Business Plan: $39.95/month
  • The next plan is best suited if you have high traffic website than you can opt for : Agency plan:$79.95/month It allows you to track 80,000 unique visitors and then costs $9.95 per 15,000 unique visitors
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Visit: HitTail Official website to know about plan and pricing

Final Verdict

Hitatil is a must have keyword suggestion tool for every webmaster to increase your website traffic with high targeted keyword. Not only i am using HitTail and is really satisfied with the results as i don’t have to spend much of my time searching for keywords.Hence this tool will not only save your time but also help you to utilize your time in other more important things like writing and sharing quality content with your readers.