Tools to make a post go Viral on Social Media

Writing for social media is trickier than writing a regular article or a document. This is because it requires you to think outside of the box and to consider a myriad of factors that will eventually determine whether you are doing a good job or not. Creating relevant content that is geared towards your target audience means that you are aware who that audience is. This is something that most content creators somehow neglect; they will write a killer article, listicle or a post only to later wonder why isn’t it gaining any traction. Nine times out of ten, the answer is that your audience doesn’t care about it!

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Knowing your audience, being able to research stuff, and having the ability to craft excellent content that has the potential for going viral are the keys to becoming a social media content guru. Being talented in these things comes in handy, but working hard at them is still important. Bettering yourself as a writer is an ongoing job. Luckily, there are some tools you can use to improve your track-record.

Atomic Reach

atomic reach

Start by identifying your audience. This tool allows you to dissect your audience, providing relevant historical data on what your audience interacts with the most. Using that data, Atomic Reach will suggest style changes and writing tips, as well as other suggestions on how to write content that resonates better with your audience. Hooking it up with your social media accounts is easy and the benefits you get are enormous.

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feedly logo

Reading is just as important as writing, especially for content creators who are trying to stay on top of their game and track what is trending in their industry. RSS feeds are the best way to do that. Set up a Feedly account and you will never again have to worry about falling behind when it comes to most recent developments that connected to  your type of content.

 Google Trends


If you need fresh content for your site and you need it to be popular right now, use Google Trends. Google Trends site allows you to see what is currently trending – hence the name – and to write up your own take on the events. This is a great tool for journalists and news curators.


UberSuggest is a great tool to use when you’re in the researching phase of your project.  Put in a keyword and watch it scrape the web for you, providing useful data, leads and ideas for your own article. Using Ubersuggest keeps you on the right and narrow allowing you to see what people find interesting about a particular topic and giving you a list of headlines that you can use to research things for your article.

Built Visible


Built Visible is a content strategy tool that pools information from various social platforms and tells you what is trending and where. Use it to write platform-specific posts and articles that are hot right this minute!

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Even though most professionals still write in Microsoft Word, we strongly advise you to consider Draft. It is a service that allows you to write up your articles and then share them with your team. They can make changes and give suggestions, but you are totally in control; you can choose to accept or ignore those changes. Draft also has a feature that enables you to ‘Ask a professional’ if you need help proofreading or editing your content.

Aussie Writeraussiewriter

Sometimes you just don’t have the time to write a killer article for your social site. If that happens it is better to turn to professionals than to give it a half-hearted attempt that might end up not producing anything valuable. Aussie Writer is a great service that you can use to create your content for you. They hire only excellent writers who will churn out great content for you to use in mere hours if you need it that fast. You can choose to get a standard quality text – those are great by the way – or a premium quality text – these are guaranteed to go viral.


Correctica should be your go-to tool for checking up on every finished text. It is a spellchecker, a grammar wizard, and readability tool, all combined into one, making it a powerful online editor that is bound to pick up on errors that crept up on you. Since it is important never to publish anything that isn’t polished to perfection – at least when grammar is concerned – using Correctica is paramount.

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Publishing something that is a direct rip-off is a huge no-no in the content creation Bible. It is not fair to your colleagues or to yourself. You, my friend, are better than that. Sometimes, plagiarism occurs without intent. Maybe you forgot to cite your source, or you just came up with the identical idea as some else before you; it wouldn’t be the first time that happened, right? Use Copyscape to check your text against all others on the Internet, and avoid public humiliation, or worse!

Also, there are lots of great tools to know about:

When creating social media content it is important to keep in mind that you are writing for your audience and that their seal of approval is the mark of success. Keep your tone conversational and engaging, and your content concise and to the point. Offer something others are not so willing to give. And use the tools we listed here, they will help in your work immensely.

Have another great tool to share? Then feel free to comment below and share your experience with those tools. Also, don’t forget your method to make your posts viral on WordPress.