Best Privacy Features of Facebook you should apply ASAP

Let’s be honest we all have witnessed an outbreak when it comes to security features on Facebook. Snapchat introduced Snap-location which allowed Snapchat users to view their friend’s location on the snap, and this feature was turned on by default. Many Snapchat users were daunted by this update and had to turn it off since no one wants to be seen on the radar 24/7.

Privacy features of Facebook was not secure. There was a time when Facebook users complained about who could see their Facebook profile picture, and it was by default public if changed image through your cellphones. Even though Facebook is a socializing website and your information is online to everyone who wants to access it. But, that doesn’t mean you don’t use any precautions to be safe than sorry. Your pictures are as essential as your private information. Here is a must read article for you about how to Protect your Privacy from Facebook and Google.privacy features of facebook

To avoid any such mishaps, let’s see what you can do on Facebook to enjoy best privacy features of Facebook.


We are nowadays more into jumping to conclusions that we tend to skip minor details. How many of you have ever noticed the URL in the domain? If you ever shopped online, you must have seen the URL of the page while it loaded. Since the white screen loads your eyes glances over the URL with https:// in the commence of the address.

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The ‘s’ at the end of HTTP denotes that the PC is communicating with the website through a secure code and encryption so that no one can steal your sensitive information online. If you enable HTTPS in your Facebook settings, your security settings will be as a solid brick reducing your chances of getting your password swiped when logged into Facebook while being on a Public WIFI. Public WiFi Security Risks: Why using a Public WiFi Can Be Dangerous will make you understand better.

It allows you to browse with https by all means. Go to your security settings and look for “browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) when possible.” You’ll come across this option when using a public Wi-Fi. This feature has been around for a while, and it’s a must to apply it asap.

Two-Factor Authentication

Leaving your Facebook account logged in from a random computer is as dangerous as leaving your backdoor door unlocked. Facebook is a hub for socializing which means millions of people’s information and pictures are on the cloud. It’s suggested applying two-factor authentication. It’s a security feature that enables you to protect your Facebook account and your password from unwanted log-ins.

By turning on two-factor authentication, you’ll be asked to enter a 4-digit code to confirm your log-in whenever someone tries to access your Facebook from mobile or a computer. Facebook knows and remembers the devices you use to log-in on Facebook. Don’t take Facebook lightly it learns patterns.

Whenever someone accesses your Facebook instantly, you’ll receive a text message and email on your mobile stating ‘Unknown-Log-in.’ Since nowadays we tend to keep our phones in our hands more than we have bibles. Due to which this feature is top-notch. The perfect way to unbreakable protection is by using 2 Factor authentication along with strong Encryption. An affordable VPN with sound-features can provide an unbreakable security for your day-to-day cyber life.

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Review posts that friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline.

Have you ever opened your Facebook and embarrassment took over having a certain grim on your face, with sweat engaging through your forehead? That’s a possibility of a friend tagging you on a random vulgar post on Facebook which is visible to everyone on your friend’s list. How to avoid it? Did you know, you can review statuses, photos, and links that your friends tag you in before they appear on the timeline?

This feature allows you to avoid such tags from a notorious friend who tags you in random posts and you face the embarrassment from your family and relatives. Such tags which include uncomfortable photos, videos, or statuses can re controlled by finding a section called ‘Who can add things to my timeline?’ Go in settings and enable this feature which states ‘Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline.’

Get a hold of Security Keys

If you go to Facebook Forums, then the number one query amongst the users is  ‘How to hack Facebook Account.’ To be honest Facebook accounts are most coveted by your spouse, relatives, friends and unwanted hackers.

But there is a way to add a security feature that will make your Facebook account impossible to hack. How? By adding a ‘physical security key.’ Facebook has launched a new feature which will permit Facebook users to add a hacker-proof security function called the “Security Key.” This key will be part of the two-factor authentication to log into Facebook. What’s new? You won’t have to pitch in the four-digit code to verify through SMS alerts. Here you can miss How Hackers hack Facebook Account and How to stop them?

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It would support FIDO U2F Security Key to protect accounts from cybercriminals. It’s a key just like a USB, will be plugged into your computer which will enable you to log in to your Facebook device. Without the key, even your password won’t let your login. Make sure you don’t lose your Security Key otherwise you’ll have to go through some severe security options to bypass the issue. This key is like a blessing in disguise

See what your Facebook timeline looks like to a Friend.

How do you feel when a person whos not on your friends list comments or likes your pictures? For once you do get star trucked like how? Apparently, your security is so weak that a random person can also view your photographs and posts which are meant for friends only. Facebook has a feature which gives you access to see your profile as a third person, specific friend or the public.

To get a hold of this feature all you need to do is go to your profile and click on the drop-down gear icon. Click on “View As”; and you will see how your profile appears to the public. When you view as a specific person, you can enter a name of a particular person and see how the profiles appear on his or her PC.


This is all you should know regarding the best privacy features. At times we ignore these features although scrolling every day watching them. But our guide will let you explore more regarding security features and help you keep your security settings in control.