How to protect yourself from the “PHISHING” attack?

In one of our previous article we have already told you how you can make Phishing page but remember it was only for Educational purpose !!

So,today we are going to tell you how you can protect yourself from Phishing attacks or scams!

Password Risk

What is Phishing?

How to protect yourself from the "PHISHING" attack?

Phishing is the attempt to get the personal information such as username,password etc etc by using a fake page..or by any mean!!They send out e-mails that appears to come from the legitimate websites such as e-bay, Paypal etc and when you click those links they ask you to enter your details such as password,e-mail, credit card number etc. Once you enter your details the phisher will get all your details!

How to protect yourself from the “PHISHING” attack?

First of all ,remember if you have a antivirus install it will not protect you from phishing attack,you yourself have to take precautions to protect yourself from Phishing Scams..However we have listed six steps that will increase your knowledge on how hackers and cracks tries to retrieve your account details and how to protect from them!

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     1. Don’t Click on Hyperlinks in E-mail :

If you gets an E-mail from unknown source and asks you to click on the link provided ,then beware it may be a phishing attack.Sometimes you may get E-mail from Bank or Credit Card company saying that your account has been compromised and you need to click through an emailed link to “verify your account information,” don’t. Banks and credit card companies don’t communicate that way.If you get one of the Bank msg then you an directly go to the Bank site in a new browser and cross check the problem!

     2. Avoid pop up screens :

Never Enter your Account Details on pop up screens.It may be another trick used by hackers to get your account details.Always keep pop up off in your browser so that they can’t interact with you.Another tip is not to copy links from the Pop up screens ..! Legitimate enterprises will never ask you to submit your personal information in pop-up screens, so don’t do it.

     3. Don’t be fooled by Offers :

Another Technic used by hackers is by organizing fake Contests are big: “Win a free iPad!” or “Get a $500 Target Gift Card!” Com’on Don’t be fooled just like that ,all you have to do is click on a link that is likely to take you to a Phishing page or some site to win all the coolest stuff. . The site may be embed with a virus that may attack your computer and keep a track of all your activities even your keystroke. That means it gets all your passwords and user IDs for your bank and brokerage accounts.

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     4. Verify Https online(SSL) :

You all must be careful while transitioning. Whenever you are entering a Credit card or bank information,make sure the address bar shows “https://” rather than just “https://” and that you have a secure lock icon at the bottom right/left hand corner of your Web browser. You can also Check by double-clicking the lock to guarantee the third-party SSL certificate that provides the https service.

       5. Use a good anti-spy/anti-spam software :

If you don’t have security software in your computer then it’s right time to get one..keep spyware down to a minimum by installing an active spyware solution such as Microsoft Antispyware and also scanning with a passive solution such as Spybot. If for some reason your browser is hijacked, anti-spyware software can often detect the problem and provide a fix.

       6. The ultimate tool-Education :

Educate yourself against the Phishing attacks and how to prevent them.A little research will save you from becoming hackers next victim. You can even report any suspicious activity to the FTC (in the U.S.). just foward it to You can also file a phishing complaint at
Remember that you when you are online you can be targeted almost anywhere, so always keep an eye out for those “phishy” schemes and attacks and never feel pressure to give up personal information online.