How to Stream Torrent Videos without downloading them..!!!

Streaming torrent will not be difficult if you know this trick. If you know how you can stream uToorent files before downloading it then you can save lot of bandwidth before downloading a Movie or Clip as you can stream a bit of the movie before downloading it.

Watching Torrent Videos Online will not only save your HDD Space but will also help in saving your precious time from being wasted in downloading the video.How to Stream Torrent Videos without downloading them..!!! In order to play Videos directly without downloading you need to get ROX Player which allows direct video streaming from any place in the Internet and most surprising it comes with support for Bittorrent client too which enables to Watch Torrent Videos without downloading at no extra cost. 

About ROX Player:

ROX Player is a professional media player. It supports almost all type of media formats with nice and clean design and user interface,this makes it possible to be used by beginners as well .It has automatic update feature with which all the new audio and video codecs are automatically added to this player without any worries.You can also turn your Pc into high definition TV with this player as it comes with variety of protocols that includes P2P, DHT, IPTV.

Follow these listed steps to Play Torrent Videos without downloading:

1).Download Rox player by clicking the link below

2).Open Rox player, Copy a magnet torrent and paste it into the box.There is another option of dragging and dropping the downloaded torrent file in the player,
netdroid:Stream utorrent videos


The streaming will depend on:

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(a) the torrent that you have chosen to watch.

(b) of course your internet speed.  It’s your

It’s your choice, you can add torrent and wait for few hours till it is completely downloaded or you can wait few minutes till it is streamed you can choose either, sometime you can use internal player to stream the file that will speed up the streaming(works sometimes). Unlike a utorrent, Rox will also download bits of your video in sequence in order to make streaming it possible, rather than the downloading a file in bits and pieces that we usually sees in a torrent client.