Auto Like Instagram Photos and get 1000+ Likes on your Photos

Auto Like Instagram Photos and get 1000+ Likes on your Photos. Instagram is a wonderful app to share your memories and photos with friends, family and other followers. Just like Facebook, Instagram also allows you to like photos by double tapping a photo. Some people want to get more likes on their Instagram photos and increase their popularity. So, this post is for those who want to increase Instagram likes and get their photos auto like Instagram which will increase the number of likes on your photos.

However, there are certain manually ways by which you can increase Instagram likes. Manually increasing likes is not easy and can take time depending on the number of likes you are focussing on.

Auto Like Instagram Photos

But there are other ways by which you can auto like Instagram photos for free with a single press of the button and get thousands of likes. Let me tell you first the easy way to get more auto Instagram likes. This method doesn’t require you to stick to your computer to get likes but you can get likes anywhere, anytime. You will be able to get Instagram likes on your photo from your phone only. So, it’s more convenient and accessible.

So let’s get started:

Setting Up Instagram Account

The first step would be getting an Instagram Account. Although it is pretty obvious that prior to auto like Instagram to get more likes on your photos you need to get your Instagram account. Go to the Instagram Official website or Google playstore or Apple Appstore to get the App! And Sign up to get your account ready. Make sure you remember your username and password which will be necessary further.

Now the next Step would be to set your profile public if it is set to private. Just go to profile>>Options, which is the gear icon and un-check Private Account.

After creating your profile the next step would be to make another Instagram ID that you will be using to get more Instagram likes on your Photos.

Installing the App

Now the next step after setting up your Instagram account would be to install the app to get more like on Instagram photos.

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For iPhone: Goto the link provided: Followers Analytics

Don’t go on the name of the apps as you must be thinking that this app is for getting the analytics of your Instagram account. Instead, this app will help you auto like Instagram photos and in return, Increase likes on your Instagram photos. I will be giving you the tutorial for followers analytics.

How to Auto Like Instagram photos and get likes:

After Installing the app there is not much to do after. All you have to do is just follow the given steps and increase Instagram likes easily:

    1. Open the App on your phone and it will ask you to sign in to your Instagram Account.  Just click on sign in and again press continue. And a new window will open in which you need to enter your Instagram username and password, press sign in.singin to instagram
    2. In the next step, it will ask you to authorize to allow the app to access your information. Click on Authorize. Once you press authorize it will start a robot test to make sure that it is a human login in and not a robot. Just complete the task and the app is ready to use to get more Instagram likes.authorize the app
    3. After I’m not robot test you will be directed to the app. In the app you will be able to see your profile stats such as the number of followers, new followers, people who are not following back and many other interesting things. This app can also be used to find all the stats that you wish to know for your Instagram profile.
    4. Now, click on the three lines which are at the topmost left corner. It will open the menu with various options like earn coins, get followers, get likes, free coins or buy coins. In this post, we are interested in getting likes so we will focus on likes and not on the menu
    5. Before you get likes to your photos, you will have to earn coins. So click on earn coins and it will open others profiles which if you like will get +1 coin and if you follow will get+4 coins. But wait I got a trick for you to safeguard your Instagram profile from following or liking random people profile to earn coins. So, keep on reading.earn free coins

Getting Coins the easy way:

Method 1 (Preferred):

    1. Before you do the trick you need to make another fake Instagram account (Use the account that I told you to make before in the Installing the App section) from which you will be earning the coins and using the earned coins to get likes on your original Instagram Photos.
    2. The trick is to open the menu by pressing the three lines at the left topmost corner and open the menu. Click on your profile username and you will be able to see the Add Account drop-down. Click on that.add account
    3. It will again ask you to sign in. Now this time sign In with your fake ID and login in the similar way as you did with the original Instagram ID.
    4. Once you will be login in, just open the menu and click on your profile name. You will be able to see that it have both your original and fake Instagram usernames stored. So the idea is to earn coins from your fake Instagram ID and use them to get likes for your original ID.Use another account
    5. Select your fake ID from the menu and click on earn coins. Now just keep on pressing follow or like button and earn more and more coins. The more coins you earn more likes you can get. The number of coins earned is on the right topmost corner.Like or follow to get coins
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Method 2 :

Another method to earn coins for auto like Instagram is to get free coins. Just open the menu and click on free coins and a new screen will open from which you can install an app or write a review to get free coins.earn free coins

Getting 1000+ Instagram Likes on your photos

      1. Switch to your original Instagram profile from the menu and click on get likes.Get likes
      2. Choose the photo on which you want to get likes. Click on the photo and it will lead you to pick a pack screen.pick a post to get likes
      3. Depending on the number of coins earned. Choose the pack. You will be asked to confirm to start the promotion or not and you will start getting likes asap.pick a packstart promotion
      4. You can stop to get the likes at any time if you wish to.

If you don’t wish to earn or get free coins the other way is to buy the coins which are not expensive but cheap. However, It is really very easy to earn coins by yourself which I usually prefer.

NOTE: Sometimes it may take 10-15 mins to start getting likes on the photo. SO just be patient and trust the app as it will for sure help you to get more likes.

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Manual way to Increase Instagram Likes:

  1. Grow your Instagram Followers: This would be the easiest way to get more Instagram Likes if you had a massive fan following. However, increasing Instagram followers is not an easy task. Your Instagram followers must be genuine people and not bought from other sites for the sake of increasing your follower’s number.
  2. Use Hashtag wisely: If hashtags used wisely can help you to get some likes on your Instagram photo. Hashtag enable same-minded people to explore your photos and like them. Your photo is exposed to wider community and gets more exposure if hashtagged right. Using a popular hashtag is a good way to get more likes.
  3. Post High-Quality photos: If you are gonna post a low quality, blur photo then no one is going to like your photo. Only good clicked and the clear photo gets likes. Making use of filters and other enhances the chances to increase likes on your photo.
  4. Sharing your photo: Don’t forget to share your photo on other social media platform and improve the chances to get your photo liked.
  5. Caption the photo: Pictures say a lot of things than words. True! But it’s better to describe the photo. Don’t forget to caption the photo and get thoughts of others what do they think. It’s better to make your caption interesting and catchy enough for others that they can’t resist to like your photo.
  6. Make use of features: People Love to see new things. So, use new features of Instagram whenever introduced such as boomerang or slo-mo etc. Make your photos stand out from others by implementing new features and stickers.
  7. Using Popular posts to get likes: Comment on the trending or popular posts. By commenting on these types of posts you will become more searchable and visible. And in return, you will get more exposure and likes to your Instagram photo.
  8. Clicking photos the right way: Posting a photo with a unique and different angle may get some attention and likes! Most of the time it’s the way you click photos which get appreciated. So, try to captures photos from unseen angles instead of simple regular portrait or landscape.
  9. Combine photos: Make a collage of similar photos. It looks nice to see all similar photos together instead of scattered photos posted separately. Plus you can show your various moods or poses in one photo.

I hope you must have liked this trick to Auto Like Instagram Photos and get likes on your Photos. If you have another idea or trick then don’t forget to share it with me by commenting below. Stay tuned to know how to increase Instagram followers from 0 to 1000 in a day!