Mobile App Development Mistakes that can lead to a Huge Failure

Developing an app is not easy! But choosing one for your mobile is just a piece of cake. Mobile app users know what they want, if something doesn’t appeal them, it takes seconds to delete the installed app or game. So what do the developers do exactly that can result in such a failure? Here in this article, I have listed some of the common App Development Mistakes that developer can do and lead to huge failure!

We know that thousands of apps are made every day and launched as well, not all get downloaded, though. Only a number of apps make the right buzz that fit’s every individual’s liking. The choice of users varies and so does their age groups, therefore it does depend on your targeted audience as well. If you’ve got your targeted audience luring for your app then you have already scored!

But what if you’re developing a mobile app to achieve success, say somewhat like Pokémon Go-what then? What should be the developments techniques? What are the tips and tricks for developing a great mobile app? There are many blogs and articles supporting the development hacks-which as we believe revolve majorly around-only quality user experience!

Mobile App Development Mistakes

We met some experts of mobile app development at VeztekUSA and they said; retaining customers, in any case, is the toughest thing to do. When it comes to apps, it’s an easy job you need to provide them with quality user experience from the very first day to the end. Creating an app now is indeed a costly affair, but can become a huge loss only when you don’t focus mistakes.

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You should not emphasize on what you did right or what others did right, rather focus on the ones who lost and what they did wrong to earn such a failure. So, today we, instead of giving you ideas and tricks have listed some of the Mobile App Development Mistakes that can Lead to a Huge Failure:

Taking a Start without Enough Research

Whether it’s your first time for developing an app or you have created a few but the results are the same any app created without crucial documentation and research will be a failure. There are some aspects that stand very important relating to mobile app development which can lead to Mobile App Development Mistakes, these include:

  • Copy-  Never create an app that is a duplicate of an already existing. The majority of the apps die a death of being another app. The uniqueness of an app is a very important any idea that implements the demands of users for their expectation of future can decide the league of your app.
  • Keep a close watch for your competitors– Marketing of your app is somehow relying on your competitions. You cannot be the only person developing an app with a great idea of winning you will have rivals-keep a close note of their selling tips and tricks. Got some time? Do have a look at the Most Expensive Android Apps and find out why they are so expensive!
  • Users- Your users are the major reason for your outcome. Through your research, you will know not only the preference of your targeted audience but will also know their interests, genders, age groups etc. This will help you cater accordingly.
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Choosing the Wrong Platform

The majority of the companies and business stay confused for whether to develop an app for a single or multi-platform. The other major concern is to whether to invest in hybrid apps, cross platforms, or in native apps. This is where the App Development Mistakes can be made, and this is what we suggest:

  • Keep your app restricted to one or two major platforms. The starting has to be minimal unless you already have a huge investment and an experience. Gradually work your way up.

You can have a look at few Reasons behind the Rejection of Apps on Apple Store.

  • Keep the location of your targeted audience in mind and then choose the platform.
  • Hybrid apps can help you save cost involved in developing and marketing.
  • Your development team should be chosen wisely; web development background will need a web developer and vice versa.
  • Use simple UIs. Define each and every button and element of the app to make it simplified.
  • Give the control of your app navigation in the hands of users.
  • Ignoring interaction with users will push them away.
  • Do not stuff your app with too many features; let it be a layered and flawless experience.

The Important Aspects of Mobile App Success

Without the following aspects covered, the app can never be declared complete.

  • Testing the app at every phase of a stage is very essential. Test your app on different devices and screen size, and even test it after its launch. You have a great number of devices (tablets, smartphones, and other upcoming tech solutions); your app should be brilliant enough to perform equally on these devices. Beta testing, on the other hand, is taken lightly and not given much preference, while it has a valuable effect in giving outsider’s perspective.
  • You should integrate the sync of app analytical tools with its development for measurement of things like average usage time of app, daily active users, and retention rate etc.
  • Marketing is another important aspect for making the app successful. No app will be able to sell itself. Consider approaching your audience on the very first day, starting from the development process. Strategies to keep an App Popular after its Launch will provide you some tips and tricks to market your app the right way.
  • Keep monetizing, from the in-app purchases, in-app advertising, to revenues. In order to order to achieve something from the app, you need to focus on major monetization strategies, which will act fruitfully for the profits. Once the app reaches its successful development and success, it starts receiving the attention it’s meant for, only then rest. Even at this final stage, the pause should be temporary, as you will need to gear up for more developmental efforts.
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Your app can be at the place you want it to be, just focus on what the competitors have missed out on. Mistakes your competitors make are your assets for success, and of course, it’s not just what they lack you will need an absolute design and idea paired with perfection to be somewhere. Your users close to you and try to understand their requirements, at the end, either you compel the users to want your app (only if it is strong as Pokemon Go) or you win them with the smooth user experience. Avoid making the mistakes above.

Don’t forget to share your blunders that you made while creating an App by commenting below! Happy successful mobile app Development!