Customize Your Business Facebook Page with 5 Creative Ways

If you want to create your business online presence, simply having a great looking website is not enough and you must have pages, groups and communities on different social networking websites including Facebook. Creating and maintaining Facebook page can be really effective to connect with potential customers, however, this is not really easy if you don’t know how to customize those pages to make them more attractive for the visitors. Here are some very useful tricks which you can use to make your Facebook pages fully customized.

Customize Your Business Facebook Page with 5 Creative Ways

1: Claim for an Easy to Share URL

When you create a page on Facebook, you will get a URL such as and of course this will not be easily to remember, refer and share and therefore, you need to claim for a vanity URL such as This type of URL will make it much easier for you to share your page as it can be easily recognized and identified.

2: Customize Welcome Page

The use of custom welcome page has become very popular these days which can be created with custom tabs. This particular page is used to welcome newer visitors on the page and its look and feel motivates them to click on “LIKE” button and in the next step they are allowed to reach posts in newsfeeds. You can set it as your page’s default landing tab which can be edited with Manager Permissions Settings and in this way, you can make it first landing page which will lead the visitors to reach other posts.

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3: Creating Custom Tabs

With the help of iFrames, custom tabs can be created on FB pages to integrate whatever you think is necessary. You can consider these custom tabs as landing pages in your FB profile. On these tabs, you need to display case studies and customer testimonials as they help to get better results. You should also provide enough information on products. In addition to this, your presence on Facebook should also be publicized on other channels.

4: Get Attractive Profile Picture

If you are using your company logo as your profile picture, remover it immediately. Your profile pic must be very attractive and creative that can catch the eyes of the visitors. Though, it should be relevant to your business, it shouldn’t be boring at all. However, you must make sure to match it with overall theme of your page because the profile pic will be visible on every individual post.

5: Customize Your Post Targeting

Facebook has also added a new feature which will allow you to customize your targeting audience or permission to see your FB posts by certain groups or fans in a particular language or location. Though, this feature will limit the audience, it will greatly increase the engagement as your posts will specifically be targeting audiences who have more interests in a particular post. This feature has been warm welcome by most of the businesses running FB pages more effectively.