How to increase facebook likes,google plus follower and many more for free….!!!

AddMeFast is a network that will help you grow your social presence.It allow you to look and choose who you want to like/subscribe/follow/view and skip those who you are not interested in.

AddMeFast helps you to increase Facebook Likes, Facebook Share, Facebook Followers, Facebook Post Likes, Facebook Post Share, Google+ Circles, Google+ Post Share, YouTube Subscribe, YouTube Video Likes, YouTube Video Favorites, YouTube Views, Twitter Followers, Twitter Tweets, Twitter reTweets, Twitter Favorites, Likes, VK Page Followers, VK Group Join, MySpace Friends, Instagram Followers, Instagram Photo Likes, Pinterest Followers, Pinterest rePins, Pinterest Likes, Reverbnation Fans, SoundCloud Followers, SoundCloud Music Listening, StumbleUpon Followers and WebSite Hits (autosurf).

AddMeFast doesn’t sell likes/subscribes/followers/views/hits.

Easy registration, 50 points at start and 150 daily bonus points for active users.


[su_note note_color=”#668fff” text_color=”#000000″ radius=”11″]Here are the steps to get started:[/su_note]

1) Visit .

 2)Now click on try for free now.

addmefast homepage

3)It will ask you to enter your email id ,password and captcha…..follow as it says.

addmefast signup


4)Now an activation code will be send to your email with which you have registered.

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5)Open your email id ,check out the mail send by addmefast admin click confirm your mail by  clicking the link provided.

6) You will be redirected to addmefast website .

7)Click on add site/page button in the leftmost column.




8)Fill out the form :

firstly choose what you want to get (facebook likes,share,google follower etc),enter the title of  your page ,enter the url of the page that you want to get likes,enter cpc.

click save changes.

9)That’s it now your page,site,dp,photos,status etc will start getting likes….!!

10)Now to get more point click on free points in the leftmost column.
choose from wide variety of options.

addmefast point


11)Remember to follow the steps as mentioned in red to get points.

addmefast fb likes



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