How To Prevent Fraud: Tips to avoid being Scammed Online

We’re all vulnerable to online scams. Criminal minds can easily reach our private lives, homes and work offices. Scammers use different tactics, from malicious software to ingenious phishing scams. And the most vulnerable to online scams are Millennials. So, here are some quick tips for all and increase our knowledge on how to prevent fraud and online scams.

How to Prevent fraud and online scams. We recommend these expert to prevent fraud

Use two-factor authentication

This feature is a security measure that utilizes two ways of verifying your login credentials. Typically, it combines a traditional password and a one-time code that you receive on your smartphone. But before enabling this feature, make sure that you protect your smartphone from thieves. Remember that the two-factor authentication uses another device to implement the extra layer of security. If your phone has been stolen, you are only increasing the risk of your login details being compromised. So its a good way to prevent scamming and unauthorized login into your account.

Despite that risk, the 2FA is a useful way to protect most of your logins. Thus, make sure to use it if they are supported.

Avoid enrolling in an auto-shipping program

no auto shipping

It is true that this program will prevent you from running out of a product. Auto shipping will make you end up receiving more products than you need and getting recurring charges on your credit card each month.

Bogus websites that offer auto shipping program are difficult to use. Furthermore, they contain plenty of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Then, if you try to locate their contact information, you can’t because there is any. And if you found one, you would only find an email address thus scamming online. A trusted website will provide a live person who can help you out. Additionally, bogus websites contain marketing hypes without useful information on how their products work.

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Be vigilant when browsing online

Safe browsing

When shopping online, watch out for companies that claim ridiculous things without supporting them with evidence. Then, be aware of those positive customer reviews. If all of them are positive, they could be fake and fraud. One of the ways to protect yourself from fake websites is to ensure that you are on a secure website. It is easy to figure out whether or not a site is reputable. Look at the address bar and find a lock, which indicates that the site is using secure socket layer (SSL). This protection encrypts all activities on the site. It is one way to inform visitors that they are in the right place.

Each time you make an online transaction, verify it by opting to have a one-time code from the security token.

Never give your personal information on a site with a complicated checkout process. Sites with confusing checkout process don’t display your total order on their checkout page. They would also offer you tons of upgrade options, thereby, making it harder for you to choose the right options. These sites would also discreetly increase the number of items you order.

Then, when you contact their customer support, they charge you with additional fees that you did not agree to. They are usually accompanied by those selling techniques that would make you regret if you do not accept their offers.

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When you enter your credit card information on these websites, they would charge your card without even pressing the order button. For that reason, you must never enter your credit card details on those websites, unless you are 100 percent sure that you want those items. And hence one of the way how you can prevent frauds and online scams.

And when you browse items on those sites, do not avail of their free trials. It is especially true if the free trial would last for a short period. Most sites that offer them would charge you the full price of the item even if the trial period has not ended yet.

Never click on ads

never click on AD

Even though modern browsers are more proactive in blocking those malicious ads, you must be careful. Some banner ads will lead you to phishing forms. You may also use ad blockers that prevent any ads that are displayed on screens. In this way, you can have a better online experience. You may install a third-party ad blocking program or simply use your browser’s ad blocking function. Or you can block a website in your browser if you feel like it is not good or some thing is fishy. Here is a tutorial on how to block a website in your browser.

Before you move on further make sure that you read on these articles:

Don’t fall for offers that are too good to be true


These offers are usually bank loans or credit card scams. They promise you huge returns. Or you received a message that you have been pre-approved by the bank. But don’t fall for these offers. How can a bank offer you a certain amount of money without having to check your financial situation?

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Credit card scams are rising. To safeguard your data, you must protect your accounts and monitor every online transaction that you make. You may use free consumer protection services or sign up for free credit monitoring.

Another scam that offers too good to be true deals is lottery scam. It is a classic Internet scam that you may receive an email message. In here, it informs you that you won millions of money. But to claim it, you must pay certain fees. Before you even pay anything, recall whether or not you have purchased a lottery ticket. If you have not, then it is definitely a scam. It is especially true if it addresses your fantasies, like quitting your job and enjoy millions of money without working again. This dream will soon end as you become the next scam victim.

You must also be aware of those scams that involved fake real estate agent services.  These services offer a list of rent-to-own properties or pre-foreclosure houses. They look appealing because of the low price points. But the services require you to pay a monthly fee up to $200. Furthermore, the list is a sham listing. It is either expired or fraud. What’s worse is that you can no longer get a refund for the sign-up fee. Avoid it by reading these other tips on how to avoid being scammed when apartment hunting.

Several online scams appear to show up online every now and then. You may receive calls from callers you don’t know and ask for your sensitive information about your bank accounts and personal details. But you must remember that you do not know these people. Thus, never feed them anything that they can utilize to commit fraud.

If you know any other method to prevent fraud and online scams then please let me know by commenting below.