Microsoft MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals Exam Tips

Microsoft is a big company and a recognized name when it comes to the field of IT. The majority of the software that are used in the computers of today have been created by Microsoft. The company has seen tremendous progress since its founding by Bill Gates. Microsoft is also known for the provision of different certifications. The majority of these certificates makes your CV strong and gives you an edge as far as the job market is concerned. Among these certifications, the one which has gained a lot of fame in the recent years is Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA). This credential is a great starting point for those who are interested in the information technologies. It measures the basic technical knowledge of an individual and improves its technical credibility.

MTA 98-361 Software development fundamental exam

There are a number of benefits associated with the MTA and its 98-361 exam. However, just like other certification tests of Microsoft, you need to prepare well for this one too as it is tough and is surely not a walk in the park. In this article, we have shared the basic exam outline and some of the topics which you need to prepare for the test. We have kept the guideline very simple and have avoided any kind of complicated words that may get you confused.

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Core Programming

Around 15-20% of the questions in the exam are related to core programming. There are many things that come under it and some of the things for which you need to prepare for are:

  • You need to develop your understanding related to data types and computer storage.
  • You need to learn how the computer actually stores the instructions and programs in its memory.
  • You have to learn about the memory size requirements of different data storages.
  • You need to learn about the decision structures of the computer. There are many decision structures which are utilized in computer programming which you need to learn about.
  • You need to identify the best method that can handle repetition.
  • You need to understand the concept of loops.
  • You have to learn about how to handle different kind of errors.
  • You need to have in-depth knowledge about structured exception handling.
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Object-Oriented Programming

The object-oriented programming covers a lot of questions in the exam. Around 20-25% of the questions are related to it. The object-oriented programming is a huge topic and there are many small subjects that come under it. You need to prepare well for all these subjects. Some of them have been discussed in the points below:

  • First of all, you need to develop a thorough understanding related to the fundamentals of the classes.
  • You need to learn about constructors, properties, events,and methods. You have to understand the art of class creation and finally, you need to understand how to utilize the classes in code.
  • You have to prepare yourself and have to understand the concept of inheritance. You need to learn about inheriting the functionality of a base case into a case which is derived.
  • You need to learn about polymorphism, the concept is a little complex however you need to study about it.
  • You have to give some time to encapsulation. You need to learn the art of developing classes that actually hide their details of implementation while still giving access to the functionality that is required. This access is given through access modifiers and interface.

Software development

If you want to clear the Microsoft 98-361 exam with good marks, then you need to have some knowledge of software development. This area covers around 15-20% of the exam questions hence you can understand the importance of this section.

  • You need to develop your understanding related to the application lifecycle management.
  • You need to learn about the different phases that come in the application lifecycle management. You also need to gain some knowledge about software testing.
  • If you want to clear this exam, then you should be someone who has the ability to interpret applications and their specifications. You should be able to read the application specifications and get them translated into prototypes, components,and code.
  • For clearing this section, you need to develop a thorough understanding of data structures and algorithms. You also need to learn about performance implications of different data structures.
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Web applications

15-20% of the exam questions are based on web applications. Some of the main things which you need to cover in this regard are:

  • You need to develop basic understanding related to web page development. You should learn about JavaScript, HTML,and CSS.
  • You need to develop your understanding pertaining to Microsoft ASP.NET.
  • You need to specialize in different aspects of web hosting such as the creation of websites, the creation of virtual directories and deployment of web applications.
  • You also have to learn about web services that shall be consumed by client applications.

Desktop Applications

Desktop applications are another main part of the exam and its capacity is 15-20%. Some of the key concepts which you need to learn about are:

  • To clear in the exam, you need to learn about capabilities of store applications and UI design categories.
  • You need to understand the applications which are console based.
  • Finally, you need to develop your understanding pertaining to windows services as well.


To pass this MTA exam,you need to understand different databases as well. The capacity of this section is 15-20%.

  • You need to learn about database management systems, which are relational in nature.
  • You need to understand the database query methodologies.
  • Finally you need to understand the database connection methodologies.
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The Microsoft MTA 98-361 exam is not a test that you can go and pass one fine morning. No, this is not this case, as you need to prepare hard for this certification test. The concepts that we have shared above are not that easy and you need to prepare professionally for this exam. Try to get the best study materials for your preparation process!