Best Parental Control Software for Android 2016

The world these days leaves no efforts behind to spoil the mind of the young generation. As parents, it is our duty to assure that our children turn out to be well-groomed adults. Hence, it is our responsibility to keep our children away from the influence of bad peers as well as material that may play a role in leading them astray. Normally, kids don’t like when their parents peek into their personal life. They enjoy the fact that they can alter their identity on social networking platforms, as well as interact with people from every corner of the globe without having to worry about a single thing.

On platforms like these, at times they may make great friends that have a positive effect on their life, but more often than not they are going to find people up there whose sole purpose in life is to manipulate their young minds and prey on them. All they want is to exploit them for personal gain and make them addicted to nefarious things like porn and sexting.


Ultimately, it falls on the shoulders of the parents to make sure that they children don’t get used to doing such things. Now this can be one of the toughest tasks ever and it proves out to be quite difficult. However, what most parents don’t know that they can look into their teens’ online activity without them finding out about it. Spy apps are specially designed so that parents can control the online activities of their children. They are not only helpful with monitoring a teen’s online activity but also help in keeping dangers at bay. Now, there may be tons of spy apps in the market, but there are three spy apps that are well-beyond their competition in terms of quality and performance. They are:

  • TheOneSpy:


TheOneSpy is unquestionably the best spy app ever made. Its unique UI includes features like Geo-Fencing, GPS Tracking, Bugging, Tapping into their calls/messages, etc. TheOneSpy records each and every call being made by the target device, or every text being sent or received from the target device and stores it on a user customizable account. It also has the ability to turn on the phone’s camera and microphone at will so you can know in exactly what type of environment your child is sitting in. TheOneSpy can not only monitor your child’s phone content but also keeps tracks of online content. Being the top notch spy app it is, it can looks into each and every single social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and texting apps like Whatsapp, Viber, Line, etc. Not only this, but you can also block the websites that you deem inappropriate for your child.

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TheOneSpy provides its unique services on all mobile OS such as iOS, Android, BlackBerry etc. Other than that, it is also available for PCs using Windows or Mac OS.

  • Qustodio:


Qustodio is probably the spy app with the vastest amount of features. Like TheOneSpy, it can tap into calls or messages as well as locate the target device using the GPS installed on the device. Moreover, it can also monitor your child’s online activity. With its advanced “SafeSearch” technology, it can block any search keyword or website at will. It also contains a monitoring chart that shows exactly when the target device is much more active and when it is not. It includes a Panic Button meant for emergencies which the child can press when he/she is in danger. Unlike other spy apps, Qustodio can monitor multiple mobile devices all at once without the hassle of buying several packages to deal with numerous devices.

Like TheOneSpy, it also proves to be compatible with a number of platforms such as iOS, Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Symbian etc.

  • NetNanny:


NetNanny is questionably the most user friendly spy app that ever existed. It allows its users to chat real-time with their workers to find the package that suits them best and also, to answer any and every question they might possibly have regarding NetNanny. NetNanny provides a free trial so that the user can learn about NetNanny and figure out its uses before actually paying for it. It allows the user to select from a variety of packages that involves single device packages, multiple device packages and also Family Pass package. Its advanced internet filter is considered the best in the world and blocks any site of the users’ choosing. It gives takes total control of the target device and the user can switch it on/off on their will. NetNanny contains a profanity mask that censors every single abusive word that the target device might read, thus making it the perfect app to safeguard the minds of your children.

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NetNanny doesn’t really deal with platforms such as Blackberry and Symbian, but it is more than capable of monitoring Android mobile devices, iPhones and Windows devices.

Here is a wonderful infographic by British Council to help you prevent your kid in landing up on a wrong website. As we all know that “Prevention is Better than Cure!”

Digital Parenting infographics

Got your own secret tool to spy on your kids? Well you can reveal them here in the comment section and help others too! Also don’t forget to share this articles with others and help them monitor their Kids.