Big Data Definitive Guide PDF in 2018

Big Data is a terminology used for extensive data sets when it comes to describing massive volumes of fast-changing, diverse and complex data that are obtained from new sources. Being exceptionally vast in nature, these data sets are not easy to be controlled or managed with the traditional software management utilities or the traditional data processing tools. On the other hand, it goes without saying that every business establishment across the world is trying their best to create a long-lasting impression and business stability in this competitive market, which makes effective data management more important than ever.

When it comes to maintaining an ongoing streak of effective data management, working on huge chunks of data might sound easier than the actual process. This is where developers who work on the platforms have found Big Data as their savior for creative and innovative data management related tasks.

Here is a Big Data Definitive Guide PDF in 2018 that will help you:

What is Big Data and What It Can Do?

If you are new to database management and wondering how Big Data can help your business organization, here is a quick view to the important characteristics of Big Data that makes it a must-have addition to your database management system:

  • It can easily determine user behavior.
  • It can aid in obtaining insights to work out brilliantly on business strategies.
  • It streamlines the conduction of predictive analysis.
  • It can work on processes in order to extract values from the extensive data sets.
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Paying heed to the aforementioned factors is driving more and more businesses towards Big Data development. In addition, integrating Big Data will allow the professionals who are working on the development platforms to come up with new tactics and upgraded strategies, which will have the power to turn the business and get it on the right track of success.

The nature of Big Data is that it keeps on increasing at an exponential rate that makes a deep and careful study of the data along with the proper management the key essentials for the correct analytical process. For more information on database management, you can visit RemoteDBA. With that being said, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the different types of Big Data.

Types of Big Data

Speaking of the different types of Big Data, there can be three categories in which the huge amount of data can be broadly classified into:

Structured: These can be classified into the data, which you can store, access, and process in a fixed format. Structured data is already stored in an orderly manner in the databases where the format of the data and how to obtain the value out of it is known beforehand.

Unstructured: Contrary to the structured data, the data that is designed in an unknown structure and format falls under the category of unstructured data. When it comes to unstructured data, the size of the data is monumental and is not that easy acquire value out of it. These types of data could be outfitted with a blend of images, videos, text, and files.

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Semi-structured: Semi-structured data contains both the above categories of data and it is the classification used for when it is not possible to define a format into structured or unstructured data. Although the semi-structured data is decked with information related to organizational properties, it is not in the basic database format.

The 3 V’s of Big Data

It was Doug Laney in the early 2000s who articulated the theory of Big Data in the format of three V’s. Moreover, as Big Data is comprised of data storage, creation, and retrieval, it can also be classified in terms of:


The terminology of Big Data itself connotes a huge amount of data that comprises of data collected from business investments, transactions and deals, social media stats and so on. Hence, the volume of data is critical as it renders an impression about how to derive value out of the data. As the size of the data can range considerably, volume becomes an important parameter that requires to be taken into the account while working with Big Data.


Velocity refers to the data generation speed, which covers both data reception speed and the work performed on the data. The actual potential of the data is determined by the speed of the data generation and processing. Apart from that, the stream of the generated data is massive and unprecedented, which make velocity an important factor when it comes to dealing with Big Data.


In the contemporary world, the present-day data is not limited to simple plain text or structured data in the format of the database. Nowadays, data implies structured, numeric, unstructured, audio, video, and so on. All these various types of data need correct handling and different preprocessing to acquire value out of it. Variety makes an important inclusion in the three V’s as it allows you to find different ways to store, create, and analyze each type of data.

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Importance of Big Data

The main importance of Big Data does not circulate around the massive amount of data business organizations have, but it deals with how much value companies are able to acquire from the collected data. Big Data is beneficial for business organizations in a broad spectrum of ways as it enables a business to:

Cost Savings: Some of the utilities of Big Data such as Hadoop and Cloud-Based Analytics can turn economical for business houses while storing huge amounts of data.

Time Reductions: Big Data is designed with in-memory analytics that can easily find new data sources for instant analysis and acquiring value out of it.

Product Development: By knowing the needs and wants of the customer along with the ongoing market trends, you can work on new product developments in a much effective manner.

When it comes to effective data management, it is a crucial differentiating factor that helps your organization to stay ahead of the competition. The collected amount of data is not that important, what matters is how much value you are able to derive out of it, which makes the utilization of Big Data an absolute must.


If you looking to analyze data efficiently and outperform your competitors, use Big Data and provide your business with a lot of benefits in terms of time, cost, and resources. Avail this excellent business opportunity and ensure the long-term success of your business.