Why you should Never Buy Facebook Likes or Fans

Of all the social networks out there, Facebook is still the most popular by far. Not only does it hold the top spot when it comes to the total number of users, but also when it comes to the number of active users (over 2 billion) which log into it on a daily basis. It appeals to all groups, regardless of their, age, gender, or even location. This makes it the best marketing tool you have at your disposal for reaching out to your target audience and raising awareness about your brand. It is also the place where you can create a page for your business, interact with your followers and customers, and publish useful content for them.

This brings us to the subject of Facebook fans, which your brand can’t do without, especially those which identify with the same values and proposition your brand offers because that makes them more likely to buy your product or service. In order to build your brand, you need two important elements. The first one is great content that is able to address the pain points of your target audience. The second one is the sufficient number of fans and sizable post reach, otherwise, all that awesome content will remain unseen.

never buy facebook likes

Since fans are so crucial, here are three ways in which you can acquire them, along with pros and cons for each. And also few reasons why you should never buy facebook likes or fans! Keep on reading.

  1. Reach them Organically

Regardless of your niche and product/service, you are offering, you are going to run into huge competition. In order to stand apart from the rest, you will need to establish yourself and your brand as a source of authority in the industry. Justin Osborne, Social Media Manager at Bestessays, continues: “The key to growing your reach organically and growing the number of your fans depends on the quality and relevance of your content. The better your content, the more people will engage with it, consume it, share it, and comment on it, which will inevitably generate buzz and get even more people interested in your brand.”

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Here is a Wonderfull Infographic by Kissmetrics Blog that tells us how to get more likes on facebook the right way.

Click Image to Enlarge
How to Get More Likes on Facebook InfographicSource: How to Get More Likes on Facebook – Infographic

  1. Reach them through Paid Advertising

The trouble with organic reach is that it takes time. However, if you have cash to burn, you can reach out to more people much quicker by using paid advertising on Facebook. On top of that, Facebook’s algorithms are pretty advanced, which means your ads will reach a very specific audience, and quite a large percentage of it. Furthermore, it will influence your organic reach, as well. All of this will happen if you can manage to use paid advertising sparingly and properly. If not, it can burn a huge hole in your budget and you will struggle to achieve a positive return on your investment:

  • Sales Are Not Guaranteed – Since the ultimate goal of developing your Facebook presence is to sell your product or service, your investment into ads need to turn a profit at some point. However, the best you can hope for on Facebook is for your users to like your ad. That will usually remain the only action they will take. They will not be prompted to check out your online store or purchase one of your products. That is why you should focus on ads that will lead your fans to your official website, where they will be able to see your offer, and hopefully, subscribe to your email list. Email marketing is still the best way to spend your marketing dollars.
  • Fans Are Not Credible – Let’s consider the following example. Your ad campaign is a hit, and your page has gathered 700,000 likes. However, because all those fans haven’t truly engaged with your brand, because your individual posts have about 100 likes or so on average, which is pretty poor. Anybody visiting your page will be able to tell whether you’ve cultivated your reach organically or used paid ads to grow it. Plus, this sort of practice can have a negative effect on your organic reach, too.
  • Waste of Money – Since you are not able to track the activity of users which have liked your page, this means you have no way of telling whether their like has lead to a purchase. Getting them to your website, by using ads in a strategic way, should be your goal because then you can analyze their behavior using analytics tools, which will provide you with a ton of useful data.
  1. Buying Followers and Fans

This is probably the worst solution you have at your disposal. These days, you can easily find sources which can provide you with a guaranteed number of likes, comments, or followers, for example. But, since those users to tend to be pretty general, instead of targeted, the increased number of fans and likes will not result in better sales, so why bother? We’ll tell you why you shouldn’t:

  • Low Engagement Lead to Low Reach – These two are connected, so if you have a large number of fans which don’t engage with your brand, Facebook’s algorithm will be able to tell that your fans are fake, and it will lower the organic reach of your posts.
  • It Creates a Mess – If you combine your fake fans, paid ads, and organic reach through good content, you will never be able to tell how well your brand is doing on Facebook, because you will always be looking at figures which are distorted.
  • It Renders Analytics Useless – Fake fans will make it almost impossible for you to analyze your analytics data. You won’t be able to tell which investment has turned a profit, and you won’t able to decide on your next step.
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As you can see, even though paying for Facebook fans and likes does provide some short-term results, in the long run, they are only a waste of money. The best course of action would be to provide high-quality content on a regular basis, as well as to provide the best possible service or product. With those two in your arsenal, you will be able to grow your organic reach, as well as your sales.