5 Recommended Social Media Tools for Content Marketers

Do you easily find content ideas that drive conversions to your blog or social media page? Are you always prepared with captivating graphics and top trending articles in your niche? Being relevant and quick in social media really matters and today we have some interesting tools to ensure that you do and rather very quickly.

Social Media Tools for Content Marketers

As Google sets the benchmark a notch higher for content creators and marketers with each update, it helps to have these amazing social media tools by your side to drive more traffic to your blog or website. The tools listed here will also help you tap into the powerful medium of social influencers to leverage your brand and attract attention. These will help boost your content quality and flow to drive sales in Ready to dig in? Let’s go 

1)  BuzzSumo

buzzsumoAn immensely popular tool used by top companies and brands worldwide, Buzzsumo offers you powerful content ideas to take your brand forward. It is like a search engine for the most popular content online across social media and when used for content ideas, it becomes your once place for powerful brand ideas.Simply type your preferred niche or field of interest in the search bar and it lists the top performing posts across major social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest along with details on the author, published date and the website. With latest reports suggesting that influencer marketing will top the list as content marketing tools, Buzzsumo helps you find the most shared content and key influencers across social media platforms, which in turn guides you with ideas for your content marketing and SEO campaigns.

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2) FollowerWonk

followerwonkAn immensely popular research and monitoring tool, FollowerWonk is great for analyzing your Twitter followers and identifying key influencers. The tool ensures that you tap into high performing influencers backed by analytics, research and monitoring. FollowerWonk is a great tool to analyze your Twitter followers and manage your Twitter community. Although it’s available for free, with its pro plan, you can explore, analyze Twitter ecosphere to connect with top influencers. Analyze and monitor by sharing reports.

3) PostPlanner

post-planner-bannerIs finding something to post on social media a hurdle? Rejoice, PostPlanner is your solution to easily find the most viral and niche-specific content for popular social media platform.

PostPlanner makes it easy for people to find and share amazing content consistently on major social media platforms. It helps you save countless hours, increase more traffic and engagement. A perfect marketing tool for Facebook pages, PostPlanner is packed with tons of features and is low-budget too. Used by popular bloggers and companies to boost traffic and engagement for their Facebook pages. It offers a huge pool of high-performing, popular and proven visual content, top articles that best matches your niche to drive more engagement. It also helps in post scheduling so you can post consistently. Just sit back and let PostPlanner do the work for you. Standout features of PostPlanner include Status Ideas Engine, Post-Scheduling, bulk uploads and branded sidebar. Managing Facebook Page is now a cakewalk.

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4) Content Idea by Portent

Portent-IdeaSearching for engaging content ideas that drive traffic? Portent offers you a dynamic tool to serve amazing ideas, quick and easy. Simply enter the core theme or subject in the Portent Content Idea Generator and you are promptly served exciting ideas. Searching for a captivating title and article will now be easier than ever before. What really makes this tool stand out is the logical rationale snippets for each part of the content idea that come along with the search result. Thus rather than a shot in the dark, it explains why the particular content idea makes sense.

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5) Twitshot

twitshot-imageWant to boost your twitter engagement and traffic? As you know that tweets with expanded images get 150% more tweets, Twitshot really helps deliver the message. Twitshot extracts images from links and attaches them to your tweet. This ensures that Twitshot boosts your brand boost engagement and take your online presence to the next level.




The Relay app transforms you into a Graphic pro instantly by creating quality visual quick and easy. It can be an excellent addition to your visual content tools like Canva and its forte lies in creating visuals that include quotes or shareable from blogs. It is also a great tool to unify a common visual presence across different social media platforms by resizing the image and graphic art instantly for every individual platform. With its rich pool of images and creative graphic resources, Relay promises you a tremendous boost to your brand and online presence.

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Social media tools are now more important than ever to engage and be productive in the competitive and changing landscape. These above tools should not only give you the edge but also boost engagement and traffic.