Easiest way to hack Facebook Account

It’s being a while since i have written a post about hacking..So today i decided to write another post on how to hack Facebook account .The method is relatively simpler than making a phishing page which i have already told you earlier .Now you must be thinking how this tutorial is different from hacking a Facebook  account via Phishing page ,well this tutorial is a hit and trial method that may work for some of you and may not work for some …This is not like Phishing where you will get the password of the victim in your inbox..In this tutorial i will be telling you how you can hack Facebook account with little or better say no programming skills as the heading itself says that it is the Easiest way to hack Facebook Account …Most important thing that you will be need is “Patience”.

[su_note note_color=”#fbc5ca” text_color=”#000000″ radius=”11″]Before starting the tutorial i want to warn all of you that this tutorial is for educational purpose only and should not be used to steal someone’s credential information..!![/su_note]

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Hack facebook account

Step 1: Get the email address of the victim

This can be done by making a yahoo email account and importing all the contacts from your original facebook account.To do this just simply create a yahoo account and goto contacts which is above compose mail and create on the “Import Contacts” button and select facebook.After all the contacts have been imported just find your victims name and beside it you will get his username.

Importing contacts

Getting email address

Step 2: Checking if the e-mail address is valid or not

Goto whichever email provider than use eg. yahoo, gmail, hotmail …and attempt to login with the exact email id with some random password.

checking email

Step 3: Investigating further

If it says that “account doesn’t exist” or something along with it ,then you can get password 100 % and if it says that username and password is wrong than this method won’t work!getting email

Step 4: Creating a New Account

Now in this step you need to create a new account.In this tutorial i am using hotmail system, but the way the method work is similar for gmail, yahoo.

Step 5: Linking the accounts

For Hotmail: You need to go to “Manage Account Settings”, then navigate to “Manage aliases” and finally you would input the user’s email address you want to hijack and it will automatically link to your account, with no verification needed because the account doesn’t exist.

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linking account

Step 6: Get their facebook account (confirmed)

Now since the account has been linked up now you have to just goto facebook.com and request a password reset to their linked account(the account you just created)facebook password reset

Step 7: Getting the password

Now after completing step 6 you will get the password reset request in the email you created .Just go through the simple process..

I hope this tutorial was useful…If you have any problem or doubt then don’t forget to leave a comment and i will get back to you!