10 Ways To Improve your SEO Ranking

The whole essence of employing SEO’s best practices for your website is to rank higher on search engines. Usually, after a couple of SEO efforts, website owners and digital marketers employ SEO services from Serpbook.com that provide insightful metrics regarding the performance of websites of SERP.

Search engines have a complicated algorithm, one that changes every so often, to crawl and index websites on SERP. Ranking high on search engine matters because the websites on the first page of Google, for example, receive at least 30% traffic as a result. Rarely do people click on the consequent pages of Google to get answers to their questions, which is why your optimization efforts should be channeled towards this course.

Fortunately, here are 10 ways you can bank on to improve your SEO ranking:

Create Unique High-Quality Content

All your SEO efforts are really grounded in the need to provide adequate value to your target audience. Great content is good, but a unique high-quality content is better.

Other than developing content that is intriguing and interesting to your audience, ensure it not content that can be found all over the internet. The problem with this is that duplicate content is distasteful to search engines and your website will not quite receive the credit for such content. Such issues might land you in copyright and plagiarism issues.

Create original content that still lies within the information that people want to access, within your industry, but unique from all the other content on the internet. Have all your content configured to befit your brand identity? While at it, keep your content constantly fresh and juicy. Once you have created an interest in people for your content, be sure it is worth their time.

Keyword Research

Image Source:https://blog.kissmetrics.com/seo-for-ecommerce-websites/

All your content might not be exactly what the audience needs unless you nail it right on keyword research. This basic SEO tactic allows you to share ideas in a way that would respond to people’s need for either information, entertainment, persuasion, among others.

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There are a couple of tools that could help with the keyword research process, but more to it, you can use easier techniques like featuring hashtags and phrases on social media within your content. The proper use of keywords will attract a huge audience and high click-through rates on your content, site, and links, all of which improve your SEO ranking. Carefully pick out relevant keywords and strategically use them in your content, but also on your website pages and social profiles.

Meta Descriptions

The metadata you use determines how much your target audience are willing to click on your link. The meta descriptions for your web pages and content should clearly explain what is entailed in the information you are sharing.

Be sure that your metadata captures your primary keywords and is framed to respond to the query of people as would be captured in the keyword phrases. For this reason, choose long-tail keywords that are more communicative and can easily point you towards what the searchers really want to hear. Ensure your meta description is elaborative on the keywords chosen.

Link Building


Although the algorithm for indexing links within websites is stricter, it is possible to pursue many links. However, focus on quality links over quantity. This means working on inbound and outbound links for your site. Mentioning other people’s content and linking them to your site lets you share content with these sites, but link building is about so much more.

The more your websites are linked on different websites online, the more credibility is accounted to your website. This means that above everything else, you need to ensure you create and sustain a link-worthy site. Source for backlinks from credible sites by participating as a guest writer.

Tip: rely on linkless backlinks, which account for the number of times your brand or product is mentioned online, whether on other people’s websites or on social media.

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Always Fix Broken Links in WordPress to keep your link juice active.

Improve Your Pageload Speed

page speed

No one fancies slow internet. In the same way, a slow loading website is agitating to the audience and can cost you traffic loss. You should frequently test and time how fast or slow your web pages open, checking to ensure they are at maximum speed.

As much as your content might lure people into checking out your website, a slow page load speed increases your exit rates and can have a significant impact on your SERP position. To speed up your page load time, concentrate on optimizing the images you use. Ensure they are of appropriate sizes that do not take too long to open. Choose few images to incorporate in your site because the more there are on a web page, the more the load time needed to open them.

If you want your visitors to constantly revisit your page, ensure pages don’t take more than 5 seconds to open.

Optimize Your Images

seo friendly images

Optimized images have the same impact as quality content, if not better. As much as they are part of what can make your content better, they very well serve as content on their own.

Inserts images with clear titles, descriptions and even alt-texts, all of which should appropriately embrace the use of keywords. Additionally, remember to resize and compress images to befit the appropriate sizes for the positions you are to use them.

Use Header TagsH1 importance

Even though a piece of content can be amazing to read through, it can be boring if it is just one long page of words. Employ header tags within your content, which not only categorizes and organizes your ideas in perfect flow but also makes it easier for the reader to keep reading.

This tactic will ensure your audience are willing to spend more time on your content, and the header tags are also great pointers for your main points and keywords, all of which give Google more content to crawl for proper indexing. Here is a quick tip to Submit Website to Google for Indexing.

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Create Video Content

create video content

Words are great and expressive of what people need, but studies have shown that more people today prefer watching videos over reading through long texts. Create alternative types of content to benefit from the different preferences in people.

In fact, you can create complementary videos that cover what your content covers, to provide your audience with an option. While at it, ensure you optimize your videos with descriptions and snapshots that will communicate to your audience and to search engines.

Mobile Friendliness Testmobile friendly test

By now, you must know that the audience plays a big role in your ranking, right? What this means is that the more favorable your site is to more people, the higher your page ranks on search engines.

Today, the highest population of the world access the internet through mobile devices. If your site does not favor the mobile audience, then, even fewer people will want to access your website. Ensure that your images, texts, and links can properly open on a mobile site.

More importantly, ensure that all the important information displayed on the desktop site shows on mobile sites without needing to adjust, zoom in or out. Focus on increasing the user experience for mobile sites with nice website themes that allow for good font and an easily navigable site. Must read this article to Convert WordPress site into Mobile App if you are interested in converting your website to mobile app.

Audit Your Site Frequentlyaudit your website

With so many SEO tools available online, it should not be that hard to scrutinize your website for broken links, duplicate content, sitemaps, images, among other things. Deliberately audit your website often to fix the loopholes and improve the user experience.

SEO is really not that tough to come around, and as long as the basic practices are in check, everything else should easily fall into place, and in good time rank, you top on search engines.