7 Clever ways to Boost App User Experience and Improve your App UX

Around 67% of all mobile users use their Smartphones to browse the web. Statistics also show that businesses get 58% of their revenue from mobile applications but 52% of mobile app users say that bad mobile experiences prevent them from engaging with a business. It is very important to earn loyalty of customers if you are running a business. These are some scary stats. But for businesses thinking of using mobile applications as part of their brand strategies, they all prove a fundamental truth – user experience counts for a lot.Boost App User Experience

If you want your app to produce consistent returns, work on improving its user experience.

Here are 7 ways to Boost App User Experience:

A Clear Call to Action


Users don’t behave the same way on an app like they do on a website. Keep in mind, users who visit your app will behave differently than those who visit your website. They expect the experience to be more convenient for them. They won’t have a mouse on them. All they have to navigate with are their fingers and thumbs. This is an important fact and the must to do to Boost App User Experience and remember since it will help you figure out how to give them a clear path to what you value the most – conversions.  

A simple way to do that is to make the features of your app work in your advantage. Evernote does this well by using its color scheme to highlight its call to action (CTA). The green color of the logo jumps off the page and Evernote used the same scheme for its CTA buttons which draws the eyes. Users can’t help but click on it. Dropbox does the same by highlighting its CTA with negative space and keeping it the same color as its logo.

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Get Feedback

get-feedbacksYou might think that your user experience is great but don’t roll out your app before having it tested first. If you expect your users to be smart enough to figure out how your app works, you have another think coming. They haven’t worked hard on it or know every nook and cranny like you do. Ask regular people to test it and make sure that they are from your niche audience. This will give you an idea about how your audience expects it to work and you can constantly improve your app user experience and thus helping you to Boost App User Experience.

Your users are your biggest critics, so take their feedback seriously and use it to improve your app’s user experience. Realize that negative feedback is a good thing and use it to fuel your motivation to improve your app.


onboardingThe first time people use your app will be just that – the first time. So, don’t assume that they will know how to navigate it to do what you want them to. They will already be wary of say, accidently purchasing an item by tapping the wrong button.

During this time, they are also deciding if your product is worth their time. They want to be impressed.  But if it takes longer for them to figure out which button does what than perform desired actions, they are going to leave.

Your users need to get used to your app faster and the best way to do that is to introduce them to onboarding sessions first. Consider Canva, a design tool for non-designers that allows regular users to create beautiful graphics for web or print. Since the attention span of an average user is no more than a few seconds, Canva’s video tutorial doesn’t last for more than 23 seconds. There is no audio which is smart since even something like reducing the volume would interrupt user flow.

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Keep the Setup Simple

simple-setupMobile users today are always strapped for time. They prefer interfaces that are easy to use and are turned off by long-winded processes like registration processes that ask them to enter every personal detail.

Any business that launches an app wants audiences to start using it immediately. So, keep every step simple. For example, an effective practice is to give users a choice of logging in with their Facebook accounts. Almost everyone and their Grandma is on the social media site so users are sure to appreciate the gesture especially since it spares them from having to register a new.If you don’t know which technique to use then here is a guide on effective Social Media Marketing Strategy to help you with.



An interactive app is a user-friendly app. Don’t just show users a video explaining how the app works. Walk them through it. An onboarding video is good but some users tend to skip it since they don’t to remember what they learned in it. The best apps use interactive tutorials to integrate users faster. Think of video games that teach you small tasks in a fun way by asking you to perform them yourself first. Also, make sure that you don’t repeat the same mistake again which most of the developer’s do. To help you with here is an article on Mobile App Development Mistakes that can lead to a Huge Failure.

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Keep Tap Areas in Perspective


People usually browse apps with their thumbs. And while keeping this fact in perspective should be obvious, not many developers do. Sure, your product might have every desirable feature but if those features are out of thumb reach, users will not hang around for long.

Keep this tip in mind during the design phase. It may bode well for you. For example, keep conversion dependent buttons like the “Add to Cart” button right beneath where a user’s thumb may land.

Search Functions

search-functionalityMobile users want information fast. If they can’t find what they are looking for in a few seconds, they leave. It’s as simple as that. The good news is that you don’t have to dumb your content down to make info readily available. Just place a search bar where users can see it and use it if they are having trouble navigating or locating anything from your app.

Apart from improving the User Experience it is highly recommended that you apply certain strategies as well such as:

Make sure that your search function takes misspellings into consideration. Mobile users aren’t exactly known for accurately typing anything. If your product has extensive content, like product inventories of an e-commerce app, add search functions that allow users to personalize their search. A good example is filtering in a clothing app that enables users to search for items within specific categories like size, price range, color, and brand.  

Keep these seven tips in mind the next time you optimize your app for mobile users and Boost App User Experience. Aspects like content and features only make up half of its UX. The other half is user experience.